OK, I guess it looks like there is room, so I'll post mine now.
Name: Korugar(if it's a problem to use our own name, I'll come up with a different one)
Race: Werewolf/Wereleopard hybrid(may we make up our own?)
Appearance: His Were form is almost completely that of the leopard part of his people, with completely black fur, he looks almost exactly like his race's namesake except for a few key points. His front paws/hands are a humans hands, though they have short fur on them, as well as lethally sharp claws on the end. While it is not noticeable when he is on all fours, his chest is slightly broader, and his (hind) legs longer than that of a leopard. He has absolutely no problem walking on two legs when in his shifted form. When in human form he is a hairy man, well muscled, but still gives an appearance of being somewhat slender. His hair is jet black, and his facial features are feline enough to be noticed by anyone talking to him in good light.
Location/Home Town/Native Area: Do you want one?
Weapon: Due to his claws and teeth, he doesn't normally use a weapon for fighting. However, if you want me to include one, it would be a medium-long length bow. It would not be his first choice in a fight(moving targets), however, because he is accustomed to using it for hunting only(still targets). Because I sort of have two weapons, I'd say give him a serious roll disadvantage if he every tries to use his bow on someone else. If you want to count his teeth and claws as his weapon, and exclude the bow, I'll take it out.
Power: Momentum
Map: The first would be my preference.
As a side note, I mean for the Werewolf and Wereleopard populations to be small and solitary, thus the reason most have never heard of them.
I think that's everything?