OOC: Okay no one has told me the time so I'm gonna assume it is night.
Aira stood in the dim light of the tree house, Thrice was somewhere sleeping most likely, Salestor was in a corner sleeping. And Sappara was over by the ladder conversing with, wait who was that, it seemed like thrice but Aira could not trust his eyesight in this dimness. Walking over to the pair he opened with "Eh, Thrice, Sappara, what's with you all, go to sleep." Sappara laughs at Aira's misinterpretation, letting out his terrible breath in the process. "Blech, close your mouth," Aira says "And a rustler in the canopy above must have moved something, for now a slight beam of light was cast on the strangers face. Startled Aira blurted out "Who are you!?" "He is Havelock, we know each other" Sappara replied. A sudden tired wave cmae over him and Aira said "Well whoever he is tell him to get some rest, I'm out for the night." And with that he went and lay in a corner very near to the store of the elf.