Oh, you book it. You make great time, hoofing it WAYYY away from there.
Finally, the RNG does me good My first FG one today and it held 2 blackholes, and I get something done properly here.
Just a Q. If I had gotten a 20 on the rain pick. What would have happend.
Honestly? I would have re-rolled. No one gets rain.
How far does the alarm noise go?
Surprisingly, it doesn't leave the shop.
Wow. You just screwed up pretty much everything.
Thanks =D
An alarm sounds (2 on your lockpick), and you see the shopkeep and someone else in the back room (5 on your search check). The shop keep enters combat with you. You lose initiative. (2 on your initiative roll)
The shopkeeper piledrives you (17 on his to-hit) and deals 7 damage.
Damn, my rolls suck. I'm probablt gonna screw this up too, but aira runs away.
Oh, you book it. You make great time, hoofing it WAYYY away from there.
How far, as in can I still see the shop.
You gone! You gone gone! Like, gone gone gone! When the shopkeep does the big plot reveal, you'll miss it. You're that gone. I mean, GONE! (double 20 on your run)
Sappara wakes up and goes down to the archery shop. Seeing the fight between Aira and the shopkeeper, Sappara runs inside, whips out the voodoo doll of the shopkeeper along with his khopesh, presses it against the neck of the voodoo doll, and says,"Stop fighting or I will kill you."
"Calm down, the thief's gone, no one's hurt. If you'll excuse me, I have a meeting with a customer, you'll have to wait out here."