OOC: Levelling as fine as it is, we just don't get into alot of battles. My only suggestion would be to award Roleplay experience at the end of each real life day, but then some of us are going to jump far ahead of others.
"I don't even know why we were planning any of that in the first place. None of it made any sense. Why start a war that we're not part of?" Thrice shook his head. That wasn't really his opinion, but it sounded nice then 'If you're good at something, don't do it for free.'
"Karma will be after him hard for that, but I think us leaving may have balanced it a bit in his favour, hopefully he doesn't get his skinny ass killed. I don't even care that we shared the same Master anymore, he's far to reckless. He's going to get himself, and probably me, killed.
OOC: Obviously all this is said after the group catches up to me, but before Sarrapa or w.e catches up.
((That was all on the way to the town))
"Goody. I'm going up. Mr. Kitty, normally I'd ask you to join me, but I think your keen sense of smell might be more use down here. Once you've had a chance to sniff around, would you follow? I think that should be enough for now. We don't know what, if anything, we'll find up there, and I'd rather not have any of you slow climbers getting me killed."
On that note, Thrice pulls out eight Senbon, wiping them one at a time with full force at the tree to create footholds to aid his climbing, then pulls out to more and rushes up the tree, using the two as pitons when needed.