Terroking, that character sheet is acceptable. Just roleplay yourself in.
The city they are looking for is above them. Your character might have that information
jpallase, all first level characters have a skill.
Also: If you guys want to help me work on the system, I'm currently trying to find and remove all game breaks.
One such gamebreak is voodoo + vampire. As it stands now, at fourth level, the player can become invincible. All damage done to them is also done to their target, and all damage done to their target returns to them as healing. E.G, unless they're one shotted, all damage that hits them hits an enemy instead.
Proposed fixes: Voodoo requires you to prepare a doll. This takes several turns, is difficult to do, and each doll can only represent one person (at first level). Voodoo's leveling system no longer makes sense, but oh well.
Vampire only heals you for physical damage. I don't like this option, as it severely limits the number of characters that can use vampire, but it's an option.
Any other ideas would be great.
I'll post more gamebreaks as I find them.