OOC: Sorry all, like I said, I was taking a bit of a Hiatus for the epic fight going on in RPG 1.
Back to work now!
Sirenes: Yay cleric-type siren girl. I fully support this character. Interesting background and abilities that we certainly lack in our 'party'
That being said I certainly hope the party forms soon.
Ziga: I'm going to have to agree with Icybreaker. Please read over the rules if you have not already, then make your character profile more detailed. Also, that's not THE Jade staff, is it?
Also, I've got nothing against your abilities, but I'd just like to point out that with 'spells' as your abilities you are essentially a mage. I've got nothing against that, in fact I welcome it, but I don't think that's how you saw your character.
Ross: What exactly do you sell in your shop anyway?
All: I'm now going to begin replying to everyone, gimme a few minutes to get it all done.
Ross: Talking amongst themselves loudly, a very young couple, maybe sixteen or eighteen years old enters your shop. They are laughing and joking, flirting with eachother while they shop. The man is young and strong, intently searching through your collection of things, while the woman stands in the center of a shop, idly looking around.
Dia: As you travel down into the cave it gets ever dark, until you cannot even see the rock walls around you, nor your hand at your side. In the almost bitch darkness, you hear a chittering sound, and gnashing mandibles. You stop to try to find out where the noise is coming from and realize the chittering sound is talking. There are clear pauses as the voices talk to eachother.
Icy and Terro: The woman turns, her hands still styling her hair as she flashes Morkedai a dazzling smile.
"Why hello there, may I ask what I fine specimen of Fire Eater such as yourself is doing in my cave?" She giggled, grabbing her gown and wrapping it around her body.
"It's not nice to walk in on a girl during her bath you know," She said, tapping her nose as she walks over to the table and sits down, picking up some of the rice with the strange thin sticks and eating it.