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Re: Elements RPG 2.0 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3456.msg35331#msg35331
« Reply #252 on: March 09, 2010, 12:23:14 am »
Mordekai grimaced; he knew something was suspicious about the figure. Regardless, Jedreich was nearly dead, and all that remained was a way to finish him off and escape unscathed. He attempted a confident smile. He looked around him and analyzed his situation. The good news was that he had his Pyrospear in front of him and was ready to pull off any one of his skills. The bad news was that a Shrieker and a sniper were both flanking him. Several scouts stood behind them.

The snipers HAD made a fatal error, however. Shooting from a distance would be the ideal situation; instead, they chose to position themselves merely several steps away from Mordekai and Dorfl. "Well," said Mordekai, "What have we here. Are you afraid of us? Is that why you are not shooting at us or sending your Shriekers at us? I enjoy a good fight," said Mordekai. Meanwhile, Mordekai was priming his Spirits of Gravity and Fire, ready to release both of them in one go to achieve exceptional defense and attack capabilities. Next to him, Dorfl's rocky skin was shifting, showing that he was about to grow larger and activate Stone Skin. He knew that they would have to make this quick; two intruders, however powerful, cannot fend off an entire camp of Mercenaries.


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Re: Elements RPG 2.0 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3456.msg35332#msg35332
« Reply #253 on: March 09, 2010, 12:32:29 am »
OOC: um.. okay so the people im seeing are just...random people? okay...

INC:  Nihlus looked at the two figures, as they were looking back at him. "Have you seen a golem anywhere nearby?"

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Re: Elements RPG 2.0 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3456.msg35342#msg35342
« Reply #254 on: March 09, 2010, 12:57:27 am »
OOC: I totally saw that coming, I just wanted Icy to do it :P

InC: Dorfl glanced quickly at Mordekai, nodded very slightly, then began to raise his skin pressure to volcanic levels. He slowly started growing smaller as well, they would need a lot of speed to make it out of here. Then, when they were both ready, and the soldiers were starting to catch on, he lept. "He  !". Dorfl jumped through the air, changing his hands into spiken mauls of molten rock, and clubbing asibe 3 mercs and the shrieker before he saw a mage getting ready to use Gravity Force on him. Then a javelin hurtled through the air, knocking the mage unconcious. Dorlf and Mordekai turned towards the remaining mercs. "Well?"
I ask nothing of humanity but fairness in all things, but I do not expect even that.


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Re: Elements RPG 2.0 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3456.msg35350#msg35350
« Reply #255 on: March 09, 2010, 01:14:07 am »
Just as Dorfl jumped upwards, Mordekai tapped into both his spirit of Fire and Gravity at once. Immediately, he felt the effects. The Fire coursing through his veins suddenly hissed, crackled, and spat, giving Mordekai an enormous amount of strength and speed. Mordekai's innate gravitational force created a minor force field around him, giving him even more resistance than usual. He twirled the Pyrospear over his head. As the Shrieker leaped at him with mandibles chittering, he dashed under it, slicing upwards in a powerful flaming arc and cleaving the Shrieker clean in half.

A sniper shot a heavy round at him, but it simply glanced off to the side, stopped by the force field. Two Mercenaries rushed at him, maces drawn, but he rushed towards them and sliced left and right with blinding speed, using the double tipped polearm to his advantage. The sheer strength of his blows were enough to cleave straight through the Merc's armor. Two mages converged upon him, casting spells of pulling and breaking to no avail. With one horizontal leaping slash, he had beheaded them. In the midst of all this confusion, a mercenary scout had accidentally trampled over Jedreich's weakened form; as he lay dying, Mordekai  put him out of misery with a quick slash. When he lifted the heavy head upwards, he realized that his Spirit powers were starting to drain from him. His time limit was nearly up.

"Time to go," he said to Dorfl, who was busy intimidating a bunch of remaining mercs. The mercenaries fled to warn the rest of the camp. "Not good," said Mordekai. "We'd better flee." Mordekai looks down the outcropping. It was a high leap to the valley below, but it was manageable with his Gravity spirit still activated, and anything was better than running through an entire camp of mercenaries. With Jedreich's head in hand, Mordekai slid down into the valley, with Dorfl following. Dorfl's hardened form made the landing awkward but safe; Mordekai felt a twinge of pain as his knees buckled, but the spirits had kept him safe. "Shall we go?" He said.

"We go," replied Dorfl. They ran towards the east, uncaring to the angry camp mobilizing their troops behind them.


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Re: Elements RPG 2.0 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3456.msg35371#msg35371
« Reply #256 on: March 09, 2010, 01:47:45 am »
Diabriel followed the barkeep willingly, eager to learn the reason behind his reaction.


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Re: Elements RPG 2.0 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3456.msg35418#msg35418
« Reply #257 on: March 09, 2010, 03:30:09 am »

Icy and Terro: I love you guys, killing all my NPCs without any interaction from me. Thankfully, that's what I was going to tell you to do anyway, and due to your epicness, I am not only okay with this, but I'm 'leveling' you both. You each gain one new ability. Please update your characters.


Icy and Terro: You run through the mountains, bolts from many graviton rifles fire past you, exploding against the ground around you, each narrowly missing you. As you make it down into the gravity basin, you slide for down into the cup, out of sight of the bandit camp.

Dia: The bartender brings you into a back room, hushing you. "Do you have any idea what you're talking about? Those men out there are terrified, they are willing to sell out anyone for a little bit of safety, you really want to go about blabbing your plans about the killing all these bandits around people who may very well /be/ bandits?"

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Re: Elements RPG 2.0 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3456.msg35465#msg35465
« Reply #258 on: March 09, 2010, 05:07:16 am »

all: Hey, sorry for my absence, had a bit of a family day yesterday.
Name: La Anonima Unu (Anomen for short)

Race: Abomination

Age: Unknown

Appearance:  It is impossible to predict Anomen’s appearance from second to second, but he most often takes the form of a 6-foot-9-inch tall humanoid with jet black skin and hair and blue eyes. His eye color often changes with emotion – they become jet black with no pupil when he is angry. No one has ever seen him display any other emotion besides anger and absolute calm. When in human form, he wears a thick leather tunic, pants, and bracers.

Background: No one knows Anomen’s origins, including himself. People began calling him ‘The Faceless One’ after he began loaning his services to clients all over the continent, completing various tasks for them for a fee. Because of the international nature of his ‘business’, his nickname was eventually translated into Common, a language spoken by most of the continent. La Anonima Unu was shortened to Anomen by the few that Anomen trusts enough to call friend, which is how he got his name. Anomen keeps his head down, as is generally unperceivable by the world around him. Those who require his services can easily find him, but to those who he does not want to be found by, he does not exist. 

Belongings:  Enchanted gloves and bracers, 1 pair (His gloves and bracers can change shape with his body, and are resistant to fire, water, heat, cold, wear, and age. They are also imbued with several enchantments that facilitate the use of his abilities. The most notable of these is temporary invisibility.)
Tunic and pants, leather, 1 pair (Like his bracers, his clothes can change with him, and are resistant to fire, water, heat, cold, wear, and age. They are not made of true leather, but of leather composite woven with lightweight metal and enchanted to give protection against weapons and arrows.)
Void bag, 1 (Anomen’s void bag is made of leather, and bares the same qualities and set of resistances as his clothes and his gloves. It was enchanted at great personal expense in the Realm of Aether. Anything stored in the bag is stored not in the bag itself, but in an inter-dimensional pocket, so Anomen feels no weight when he stores things in the bag. Currently, he stores quite a bit of money from his ‘business’ in that pocket.)
Darksteel, 1 (The sample of darksteel Anomen carries with him can change into whatever form Anomen currently needs. It is always freezing cold, no matter what environment it is in – Anomen can handle it because of his equipment and abilities, but anyone else who touches it will be slowed as their muscles grow rigid. It cannot break or be destroyed.)


Mutation: Anomen can change his form into that of any object – animate or inanimate – he has touched. He cannot, however, do energy transformations. There are certain forms which he can remain in for nearly infinite amounts of time due to endless practice, but most forms he can only hold for a few hours. He also is able to control his transformations to the point where he can stop them in the middle and transform into multiple things at once, giving him extra useful features on one form or transforming himself into a conglomeration of multiple things.

Rogue: Anomen has the ability to temporarily rob a target of one of its abilities. The target is put into short-term paralysis, and cannot use that ability for a period of time after it has regained consciousness. Anomen can only have one stolen ability at a time in this way.

Creation: Anomen can shape his own being into separate entities with no consciousness.

Regeneration: Anomen has an extraordinarily fast healing ability, which allows him to recover lost elements of his body quickly, including wounds which he has inflicted on himself in the process of creation.

Contortion: Anomen can contort any part of his body to suit a specific purpose for a period of time.

harakirinosaru: I like the character idea alot, but as the others have said, it's in need of a wee bit of tweeking. Some quick suggestions:

Mutation and Contortion should take a while to do, maybe even up to half an hour, and be physically taxing.

Rogue: I think it'd be better if you only mimic the ability, not steal it. The ability you gain would be weaker, and wouldn't have any effect on the original owner of said ability.

Creation: This is essentially Deja Vu, which I unfortunately cannot allow at this time because it's never been heard of yet in the realms, and is going to be a big part of the campaign later.

Regeneration: The DnD player in my heart loves you for this, but I simply can't allow it. Perhaps if it took a long time, then yes, but I already have had v.0 have a similar ability that made me want to hurl an e-javelin at him, so please, change this.

As for the void bag and darksteel, the voidbag itself has a wait of 5 pounds, and the darksteel wouldn't effect /everyone/ that way, because of their physical properties, but I like it, and plan on making that a huge part of the campaign. That being said, I'd like to limit the amount you have down to say... enough to make a small dagger, hand mirror, or similar sized objects.
Okay, before I forget I'm going to get to work on this guy.

I'm probably going to regret it tommorow...but whatever.


30 minutes to change form? Mutation and Contortion become useless at that point, so I'm not going to do that, but I will change it...hopefully this will be better:

Mutation: Anomen can change his form into that of any object – animate or inanimate – he has touched. He cannot, however, do energy transformations. There are certain forms which he can remain in for nearly infinite amounts of time due to endless practice, but most forms he can only hold for a few hours. He cannot simply pick up a form and transform into said form - it takes time, and has a taxing physical effect, but with practice he can reduce the time it takes to change and the physical side effects drastically, and can morph into familiar forms very quickly. He also is able to control his transformations to the point where he can stop them in the middle and transform into multiple things at once, giving him extra useful features on one form or transforming himself into a conglomeration of multiple things, although this takes enormous concentration.

Rogue: Anomen has the ability to copy the ability of a target. The copied ability is significantly weaker, but if he has been had multiple contacts with the host of a stolen ability and if he has practiced with that ability, it can become stronger. Each ability he copies occupies a small part of his psyche, limiting the amount of abilities he can copy. Also, the more abilities he has, the less effective Mutation and Contortion become.

Contortion: Anomen can contort any part of his body to suit a specific purpose for a period of time. However, the farther away from his heart an extremity gets through this ability, the harder it is to control, and the more body parts he contorts at once, the more focus it requires to maintain the contortions.

Regeneration: Anomen has the ability to accelerate the healing of his own injuries. Small wounds heal quickly, while larger wounds heal more slowly, but still faster than normal.

...I'll think of the 5th ability later. I'm out of ideas for now.

by the 'small wounds. large wounds' thing with Regeneration, I mean that, say, a sword gash from a skirmish would impair him for the rest of that conflict, but would heal within days instead of months. A large wound...say paralysis, he could recover from (when normally it would be impossible) in months or years. Is this better, or would you prefer I not have the ability at all.

Removed the invisiblity from the bracers (I hadn't planned for this to be combat-usable, but meant more for gathering forms from dangerous creatures and stuff like that) and reduced the size and congealing properties of the darksteel lump (it's still cold, though).

Normally I would object to carrying anything that weighed 5 pounds, but considering the uses of this item and the fact that soldiers manage to do it and survive (most of the time), ok. Voidbag to 5 pounds.


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Re: Elements RPG 2.0 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3456.msg35477#msg35477
« Reply #259 on: March 09, 2010, 07:09:15 am »
OOC: Thank you very much, that all looks fine to me so long as no one has any significant complaints.


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Re: Elements RPG 2.0 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3456.msg35494#msg35494
« Reply #260 on: March 09, 2010, 10:04:49 am »
OOC:  *high fives terro and icy* >.>

INC: "I suppose that wasn't very smart of me." Dia states with an embarrassed smile. "I'm just letting my excitement get the best of me.  I love to fight and test my abilities.  A few bandits doesn't sound like much of a test, but if I'd be helping a village full of terrified people then I'm all for knocking a few heads." Dia says with a chuckle and a large grin.
"Id appreciate it if you'd tell me whats going on here, and I would love something to eat!" 


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Re: Elements RPG 2.0 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3456.msg35583#msg35583
« Reply #261 on: March 09, 2010, 04:36:45 pm »
Dia:   The bartender looks you over, impressed by your enthusiasm. Nodding, he turns and enters a storeroom, coming back a few moments later with a plate of cheese and dried fruit, and one big strip of salted beef.

"If you can help this town, then you'll be seeing alot more free food around here, unfortunately that's the best I can offer you for now, we haven't had a shipment of food in weeks, not since those damned bandits started attacking us. They come at night, dressed all in black. It's hard to tell what race they are, but they appear to be humanoid at the very least." He pulls up two chairs, sitting in one as he pulls a piece of wood and a knife from his pocket and starts to whittle the wood.

"They come by every four nights, running through the streets, screeching and howling like mad men. No one's ever spoken to them, but the McGraysons, they say they seen one up close, when they took their daughter." He shook his head, whipping something from his eye before continuing.

"That's what they're af'er we figure, children. Each night they come, they've taken three children with them. We've lost 21 of our young, and I have the deepest sorrow for any who have had their children taken, it's unlikely they're still alive." He chews his lip a moment then adds "There's only three children left in this town... my daughters."

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Re: Elements RPG 2.0 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3456.msg35668#msg35668
« Reply #262 on: March 09, 2010, 07:08:47 pm »
OOC: There's no better way to start than inserting myself in someone else's story!

InC: Behind the bartender, the tavern boy was doing his best to look unimportant, but he was actually listening intensely to the dialogue between Diabriel and the barman. No one noticed that he had been polishing the same glass for five minutes.


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Re: Elements RPG 2.0 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3456.msg35694#msg35694
« Reply #263 on: March 09, 2010, 08:21:06 pm »
Giving 20  :gravity (15 from his devourer friends and 5 from shop) to the shopkeeper (OOC: what's his name???) I say " 'Ill that by enuff fer a Kyllossal Dragyn (Collosal Dragon) and Armagia (Armagio)? If thyr's enuff left, aj 'ill also buy tha' Momentam (Momentum). It's ryre thin' tu by seein' 'round 'ere." remembering his 2 :aether 4 :darkness and 3 :death, he says " 'Ill also get a mina (minor wympyje (vampire), is 4 :darkness enuff? 2 :aether, dun't thynk y cen buy enythin' wif thyh but I wlud lijk e pojson (poison), thynk 3 :death 's enuff." When he reached for his pocket, he remembered the 8 :time he had been given by the time people, he said "Oh yh, 'lud fyrget. Wad's thy byst thyn' yer cen offer me fyr maximam 8 :time?".

