RULESApologies for my time zone and poor sleeping schedule!
Alrighty. This madness has gone on long enough! There are currently three RPGS running, and this is how I will be running mine. Interactions with players and the wilderness, do as you wish, post as often as you'd like.
If you're interacting in any of the following ways, you will need to stop and wait for my reply:
Any interactions involving NPCs and their belongings.
Now, as for some other issues, mainly my fault for not going into detail
Pillars: Pillars are just that, pillars designed to give off energy. They only exist in large cities and the like, as they are quite big and difficult to create, they are /not/ something you can carry around. All energy for spells, 'quanta', is taken from the energy of the elements around you. As such
never have to worry. These things always exist in abundance. Places of special interest, I.e. floating cities, the gravity basin, ruins of old, these places will generate more quanta, and therefore spells and creatures of that type will feel more powerful, as I will describe to you in such an event.
May only be summoned at night, unless you are near a pillar or have another way of generating it yourself. The opposite is true for
may only be summoned where vegetation grows, if you are in a city, the
will be weak, if you are in a frozen tundra, it will be non-existent.
In places of death and rot. Graveyards and swamps, things like that, in holy places where the dead are not buried, you will not find any
can always be felt during the day, though it is weak, thus fire creatures low life. In areas of intense heat or with large fires, i.e. deserts during the day, the magma mountains, a forest fire, you will find yourself empowered.
Belongings: Yes, I would like you to update your characters belongings and appearance as it changes. I'd also like you to add an 'age' column to your character. Your background need not be updated. Those who join will learn by reading.
As for the raiding and selling. I will be telling you what you find in raids and in shops, and what you make from working.
Cards vs. Spells Cards are spells inscribed upon a card, duh, but these spells are one use only. To be able to learn a spell more often, you will need to be trained over a period of time in the use of the spell. Creature spells summon /actual/ creatures, so if they are sentient, you /will/ need to bargain with them.
Lands and their people: The most common race in every land save for
is human, but their are other races as well. The second largest majority will be listed below.
Firefolk (See below)
Grey Nymphs (Second most common sentient race, and there are only 20 of them. Not alot of sentient races amongst the dead)
Graviton Fire Eaters
Forgers (A race of intelligent beings, who created what they refer to as 'Tech' machinery by our common terms. Thus creating the power suit 'Armagio', their Sapphire Charger tanks and the power suits worn by their armies and mercenaries.
Rustlers (Yes, they are self aware, but /very/ limited in their intelligence. They speak their own language, Liese, the language of life, and common. Think of them as about par with Jawa's from star wars)
Angels (Not true angels, as they are not immortal, but their race resembles angels and has been called such)
Mind Flayers and Ulitharids (Equally common, though Mind Flayer's and Ulitharid's hate eachother, Ulitharid's being superior in every way to their lame cousins, the Mind Flayers.
Races and creaturesDemons: Many different kinds exist, though they mainly inhabit the lands of Entropy, they can be found all over. Most are unintelligent, or very limited in their intelligence, but demons like Maxwell's Demon actually show an intelligence greater than the average human.
Angels: True angels live in the Supernal, what would be referred to as 'Heaven' or 'Nirvana'. Lesser Angels, also simply known as Angels, are a winged species of human with innate magical powers.
Abominations: Humans who have lived too long in the lands of
, they are of varying abilities, appearance and intelligence
Dragons: An intelligent race of lizards, known for their love of treasure. Little else is known about these aloof and mysterious creatures
Lycanthropes: A race of cursed wolf-like humanoids. They are misunderstood and are an angry people. Werewolves are the result of a Lycanthrope and a Human mating. They have the ability to shift back and forth between forms.
Fallen Elves: The elven race of old was almost entirely wiped out by a Seraphim, a True Angel by the name of Xanriel, who was sent to punish them for the horrible creatures they had created through their experiments. One powerful Elven Druid survived the attack and brought his people back to life, though their death and their deeds had corrupted them. Seeing this, he slew himself and joined his people. He now rules the nomadic people.
Immortals: Those elves who were spared by the angels are reverent, they destroyed all information on mutation magic, and fled to the lands of Aether, where they became the Immortals, a secretive race, wary of both True Angels and Lesser Angels.
Flesh Spiders: Not actually spiders at all, these Arachnoid Mammals spin a silk stronger than steel to capture their pray. They have limited intelligence, and even speak their own language, though they lack the ability to learn other languages.
Golems: Though they have a limited intelligence of their own, Golems in fact are made by people, and are generally considered to be unintelligent. This is often not the case, and their are even golems who are more intelligent than most people, though humans would never aknowledge it, seeing Golems as being beneath them.
Gnomes: A race of animal taming, fun-loving tricksters
Spirits: Spirits are manifestations of the Supernal, infused with the energies of their elements. They are undying, and grow in power as they age. Summoning one can be tricky, because their is no way to know how powerful or weak it may be. They have some intelligence, on par with the children, though they have no known language.
Firefolk. (Firefly Queens and Kings): A race of highly evolved, humanoid fireflies, these people are a proud and noble race, the only Matriarchy still existing in all the lands.
Anubis: A reverent, militant people, Anubi are a carnivorous people who have existed for as long as time has been recorded. They created the gift of immortality and granted it to the 'Immortals'. They also assisred the Immortals in inventing quintessence, an elixir that would render you temporarily immune to spells.
Vampires: Though true vampires are a carnivorous race of blood sucking reptiles, their bite has the unique ability to poison their foes. If left alive, the poor victim will be turned, becoming a Proto-vampire. Drinking blood increases their power, and every hundred years they evolve, becoming more powerful. Only a handful of Proto-vampire's have evolved into 'Vampyres' as they call themselves, but these few are trying to find away to speed the process, though they have had little luck to date.
Languages: : Aetherian
: Auran
: Abyssal
: Does not have its own language
: Terran
: Does not have it's own language
: Ignan
: Grawis
: Liiese
: Supernal
: Aetherian
: Aquan
OOC and InC: All Out Of Character (OOC) posts should be preceded with OOC:, In Character posts in a post that contains OOC should be second, and proceeded with InC
Marks: Marks are magical tattoos that take up a portion of your body, either one arm, one leg, back, chest or face. They produce one quanta of your type and can be found in tattoo shops, amongst other magical tattoos.
Ignorance of the rules is no excuseWARNINGS: I will be using a warning system for players ignoring Roleplay etiquette. You get one warning per rule. If you break the same rule twice, you're out.
1. Rossendale: 1 warning for OOC/InC.
2. Reasoner: 1 warning for Etiquette.
Combat: You have 10 'hits', once you're hits reaches 0, you are unconcious, at -5, you die. I will be keeping track of the value of hits and how they affect individual characters.
Posting: You must read all new posts since your last post before posting, this is to avoid characters doing things that do not fit with the story, such as ignoring events and other players.
Etiquette: All posts must be of quality, and contain as few typos as possible. We are looking for good roleplayers here, not two sentence posts.
13.¶: If you are adventuring, and you wish to have a random encounter thrust upon you, simply type ¶, alt+788, at the end of your post. I will still be throwing in encounters where they fit into my story line, or where they seem needed, but if you are adventuring in a group and are board, feel free to request a random encounter!