Ross: I didn't forget those, I changed them. I tell you how much you make, sorry.
Terro and Icy: As you grow closer to the area of the smudge you come over a small hill, a larger plateau before you. Looking at the plateau, you notice something strange. A man, wearing the leggings of graviton armor, steps out of a black smudge and moves to another. After a few minutes of concentrating, you notice that the smudges aren't smudges, but openings to tents!
Ross: The man shakes his head, chuckling. "You and your crazy accent. Whaty'a need? You know I've got the best shop in town, even better than yours! Have a look see!" Looking through his wares, he's got every card from the magma mountains to the uncharted shore as well as three immolations. He's got a momentum vial, even a fully functional suit of graviton armor.
Reas: The woman attempts to block your attack, but is too slow and shocked, knocked to the ground by your attack, she glares up at you as her illusion fades, becoming a green nymph. Her body glows green for a moment as she casts adrenaline on herself, leaping from the groundm her arms pushing her off the ground as her feet contact you, pummeling you with four, quick kicks.
Foe: 8
Yuro: 6