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Re: Elements RPG 2.0 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3456.msg30275#msg30275
« Reply #12 on: February 28, 2010, 03:14:30 am »
Im  an outcast banished by my family everyone hates me :'(
Moes is currently wandering the earthen elementals land looking for someone to rob

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Re: Elements RPG 2.0 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3456.msg30333#msg30333
« Reply #13 on: February 28, 2010, 07:40:03 am »
Well it doesn't look like our characters need be from Elements, so I'm going to a different route in regards to that aspect (in other words I'm making it all up).

Name: Ainur

Race: Secceen (pronounced sek-seen...)

Element: Aether

Appearance: Ainur looks like an ordinary male human but for one thing: he possesses no body (more on this later). He emits a soft, translucent, blue hue which pulses in intensity to the rhythm of a heartbeat he no longer has. He appears lean, with no need for an ounce of strength. He is young, having lived about twenty-five years.

Details and Background: Ainur descends from a people who live both in our world and in the aetheric world. He can travel back and forth at will, thereby taking on a more physical form or disappearing entirely. He is essentially a spirit, not being bound by the physical laws of our world. However, he is affected by time and space. Existing in the aetheric world allows him to call other aetheric beings into our world, and they do his bidding. The race he descends from, the Secceenians, are primarily peaceful, as they are hardly affected by the actions of other races. Ainur led a regular life amongst his people, until he one day decided to strike out on an adventure.

Belongings: Ainur carries on his person one electrocuter and one phase shield. It should be noted that these items are aetheric, and have the ability of aetheric travel described below (Ainur controls their travel).

-Aetheric Travel: Ainur can travel between this world and the aetheric world. He can take a fully physical form here, or he can send as much of himself to the aetheric world as he desires, until he is completely on that side (he is typically at 50/50).
-Incorporeal: Ainur can send enough of himself to the aetheric world so that he can pass through matter.
-Immune: Ainur is not affected by ailments or status effects.
-Aetheric Summoning: Ainur can communicate with the beings in the aetheric world and summon them into this one. He can send them back whenever he chooses.
-Mark of Aether: Constantly generates :aether quanta.

I think that pretty much covers it. I've never done one of these before, so if I did or do anything wrong, that's why. Good luck and have fun! :-D


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Re: Elements RPG 2.0 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3456.msg30336#msg30336
« Reply #14 on: February 28, 2010, 09:35:57 am »
Demagog, I appreciate the enthusiasm, but the Aetherlands are an actual place, where matter has different than expected properties. I apologize for anything in the map that may have lead to anything confusing. I thought the sections were well laid out. An attempt at staying fairly close to the races of Elements is preffered, I suppose I should have laid that out earlier, but both yours and Baily's characters fit the criteria, so no worries.

Also, getting this out there now. 'Dragon' is not an applicable race. Leaf dragon maybe, but the others well, come on, what's a roleplay with dragons, that's just silly.

I'm obviously being facetious, and while I ask that you not play them, you will of course see them, just as beasts, not sentient creatures.


Terro: As you walk in the shop, the store owner beams at you, setting the dagger he had just been sharpening down on the table and walking over to you, smiling.
"Hello my good... 'man'," he paused a moment, considered how to address a golem. "Have you come on behalf of your master? I'm afraid I don't serve golems, but if you'll have your creator come straight in, I'm sure we can solve any unfortunate miscommunications." The shop owner stood next to the door, smiling all the while, though clearly suggesting the exit was the right path for the you.
"Can't afford the risk of you burning down my shop and what not, I'm sure you don't understand a word I'm saying, but your master will get the gist of it."

v.0:  While traveling the earthen mountains, you come across a band of graviton mercenaries, their camp has been haphazardly set up on a mountain pass descending towards the basin and the magma mountains. Their camp is poorly organized, and though it's occupants all appear to be hardened men of war, they seem more occupied with what they refer to as 'the assault'. Sneaking up on them, and subsequently into their camp should prove an easy matter.


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Re: Elements RPG 2.0 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3456.msg30375#msg30375
« Reply #15 on: February 28, 2010, 02:20:01 pm »
Mordekai is still training in the Magma Mountains, absorbing the fire around him and practicing his skills with the Pyrospear. Any enemies that wander into his small valley of fire are immediately challenged to a battle. However, although Mordekai can theoretically survive solely on fire alone, he recently found a gout of 15 :fire and he wants to put it to use in a city. He leaves his valley and still in armor and carrying his weapon, he enters any shop he sees near the area.

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Re: Elements RPG 2.0 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3456.msg30387#msg30387
« Reply #16 on: February 28, 2010, 02:59:35 pm »
Lancelot wakes up. He walks out of his cave and stretches. While walking in the streets, he notices a small shop. He enters the shop and the shopkeeper glares at him menacingly.


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Re: Elements RPG 2.0 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3456.msg30408#msg30408
« Reply #17 on: February 28, 2010, 04:10:56 pm »
If you want you can have my backstory.

Character Name: Halo

Race: Forgers (or what was it for the gravity)

Element: Gravity

Appearance: Tall and muscular, Halo also has a great sense of humor, and always wears his cloak where ever he goes.

Background: Halo was deserted by his parents and was raised by a bunch of otyughs and scarabs. With them, he learned the ways of cannibalism. He left his group at the age of 16 and got lost in the desert. there, he got taken care of by the time people. In there, he forgot his ways of cannibalism, although he will always have the ways of a cannibal in his veins. He now travels around a lot.

Belongins: 15 :gravity quanta, 8 :time quanta, 3 scarab cards, 2 otyugh cards, 1 short sword card, a black cloak with starts painted all over it.

Age: 22


Devourer's Nature: All Halo's cards with the devour ability get +0/+3
Teleporting Cloak: Halo's cloak has teleporting abilities.
Devour: If he has to, Halo can eat alive a creature and get more powerful himself.
Instinct: Halo can feel people around and even behind him, making him a hard target to attack from suprise.
Devourer's Call: Halo can make a warrior's cry to call his devourer friends to help him.

Halo owned a small shop with all kinds of items. He was just putting the prices on his fate eggs, happy of today's loot on selling cards: 5 :life, 7 :light, 3 :water and 9 :aether. After he put the prices up, he called: "Cards! Cards of all kinds here! CARDS!!!" He wished for some more customers to fill up his pocket a bit more.

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Re: Elements RPG 2.0 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3456.msg30421#msg30421
« Reply #18 on: February 28, 2010, 04:26:59 pm »
Lancelot asks,"Do you have any cards?" The Shopkeeper slowly nods. the shopkeeper motions Lancelot to follow him into the storage room. When Lancelot enters the room, he notices a whole collection of cards. However, a certian card, the Artic Dragon, caught his eye. Lancelot asks how much it would cost. Suddenly the Shopkeeper writes down a price on a notepad. Lancelot glanced outside, and noticed a mysterious figure outside.


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Re: Elements RPG 2.0 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3456.msg30425#msg30425
« Reply #19 on: February 28, 2010, 04:31:14 pm »
do we personally keep our currency?
Do we changes in belongings in our character decription?

Moes sneaks into the camp unnoticed looting 1 :gravity pillar a graviton machine gun and a otyugh card


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Re: Elements RPG 2.0 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3456.msg30427#msg30427
« Reply #20 on: February 28, 2010, 04:33:21 pm »
Mordekai enters the shop. He sees a pudgy, smiling man at the door, and a rather strange figure across from him. The strange figure was quite short, about 2 feet shorter than Mordekai was. He looked exactly like a human, except his proportions were smaller and his eyes glowed bright with fire. Mordekai had only ever heard of Golems like these before; like Fire Eaters, Golems had  fires within their bodies, though they were of entirely different types. Regardless of the strange scenario before him, Mordekai called out, "Could I see what fire wares you sell here?"

I think the main problem with all 3 of the RPGs in this forum are that the DMs and all the players can't be here 100 % of the time. Any way to fix this problem?


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Re: Elements RPG 2.0 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3456.msg30438#msg30438
« Reply #21 on: February 28, 2010, 04:45:17 pm »
Icy, if you talking to me: "I have a few fire cards, but there is a choice" He shows the following cards:

Fire Spirit: The fire spirit can eat fire to grow himself but he may die in the process if he does it too often. Price:  :fire :fire

Frie Shield: It sends flames of fire to the enemy burning it alive:. Price:  :fire :fire :fire :fire :fire :fire

Fire Pillar: Every day, it generates  :fire :fire (it's upgraded). Price:  :fire :fire :fire :fire :fire :fire :fire :fire (Because of upgrade.

Wanna buy something?


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Re: Elements RPG 2.0 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3456.msg30444#msg30444
« Reply #22 on: February 28, 2010, 04:47:14 pm »
Moes now works his way to a graviton fire eater camp where he can sell the graviton machinegun for major loot.

I try to be here most of the time
:gravity :fire :water :darkness are being used wait my guy uses :light and :darkness
Whats the top race in all nations
:aether immortals
:darkness vampires
:light angels
:entropy abominations
:death liches
:life humes
:time anubis
:earth ?
:fire ?
:gravity ?
:water ultihard proble didnt sspell that rite
:air fire fly queens and kings

These are just sugested races


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Re: Elements RPG 2.0 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3456.msg30450#msg30450
« Reply #23 on: February 28, 2010, 04:48:50 pm »
Icy: My players can play while i'm absent (you do that too) so that's the solution.

