Demagog, I appreciate the enthusiasm, but the Aetherlands are an actual place, where matter has different than expected properties. I apologize for anything in the map that may have lead to anything confusing. I thought the sections were well laid out. An attempt at staying fairly close to the races of Elements is preffered, I suppose I should have laid that out earlier, but both yours and Baily's characters fit the criteria, so no worries.
Also, getting this out there now. 'Dragon' is not an applicable race. Leaf dragon maybe, but the others well, come on, what's a roleplay with dragons, that's just silly.
I'm obviously being facetious, and while I ask that you not play them, you will of course see them, just as beasts, not sentient creatures.
Terro: As you walk in the shop, the store owner beams at you, setting the dagger he had just been sharpening down on the table and walking over to you, smiling.
"Hello my good... 'man'," he paused a moment, considered how to address a golem. "Have you come on behalf of your master? I'm afraid I don't serve golems, but if you'll have your creator come straight in, I'm sure we can solve any unfortunate miscommunications." The shop owner stood next to the door, smiling all the while, though clearly suggesting the exit was the right path for the you.
"Can't afford the risk of you burning down my shop and what not, I'm sure you don't understand a word I'm saying, but your master will get the gist of it."
v.0: While traveling the earthen mountains, you come across a band of graviton mercenaries, their camp has been haphazardly set up on a mountain pass descending towards the basin and the magma mountains. Their camp is poorly organized, and though it's occupants all appear to be hardened men of war, they seem more occupied with what they refer to as 'the assault'. Sneaking up on them, and subsequently into their camp should prove an easy matter.