Woot, it's back up!
Now I'm going to do that Aether knife-throwing character I wanted to do on 3.0, but didn't have time to keep up with.
Character Name: Havelock Vetinari
Race: Immortal
Appearance: Havelock appears as a sandy-haired young man with a disarming grin always plastered on his face. He looks about 23, simply because of how incredibly young he is for an Immortal. He generally wears loose, white-blue clothing over his skinny frame. He's not very strong, but is very quick with both his body and his mind. He stands at 5'3, a little less than average height for an Immortal, and his eyes are an electric blue.
Age: 74
Background: Havelock was born into a middle-class family in a small, everlasting town just close enough t the Aetherlands' capital city to attract a few traveling groups, but far enough away to have no one in the city know where it is or even that it exists. He was drafted into the army while young, and he left his tiny village without looking back at his crying parents. He had a few very strict policies in life that he never went against, and quite a few of them were learned in the army. They are thus:
The man who survives, is the winner.
You don't have to fight the way your opponent wants you to fight (i.e. "Fair").
Never look back. Whatever happens, stays happened.
ever go back on a promise.
EverDon't lose sight of your morals. Character is what makes you who you are, without it, you are nothing.
Belongings: The Luggage- A magically enchanted chest made of Sapient Pear wood, that will dutifully follow behind it's owner on hundreds of little legs, and is completely homicidal to anyone if thinks is threatening said owner. Once finding a target, it will either a) Stomp on it to reduce it's size, then eat it, or b) Eat it outright. And when it comes for you, it comes
hard. Absolutely nothing can stop it, it will break down walls, chase down anything that runs from it, and completely absorb any magic used against it, due to the material it is made of. It is also poly-dimensional, and has a theoretically infinite space in which to hold things in. Also, for some strange and inexplicable reason, any clothes placed inside of it will come out completely clean and with a hint of lemon scent five minutes after their placement. It's scary.
Abilities: Aetheric Daggers- Can produce physical daggers directly from the Aether around him, and then make them disappear or return to him in the same way.
Super Reflexes- With a combination of his superb natural skills and what he learned while serving the army, Havelock now posses incredible speed and agility, and can sense the smallest change in the atmosphere around him, then react to it in less than a few seconds.
Lightning Control- Can create and aim Lightning, although he can only really send it in the direction he wants. After it's relaeased, the only thing he can do is push it slightly to one side. He can, however, make very small lines of chain lightning on the edge of his palm or something like a sword, to enable it to slice through any material outside of pure stone.
Warp- Is able to transport himself into the Aether for very small periods of time, and then emerge in a different location. This leaves him physically drained after a multiple uses, but he can manage a long trip with preparation.
Dagger Mastery- Being completely incompetent in the use of every other weapon, Havelock turned to daggers and found he possessed unmatchable skill with the weapons, easily being able to disarm and bladelock any opponent, even ones using battle axes. But those are a bit tricky, he will admit.