And so it begins...
Y'know, reading what Catyrael said just then makes this a lot funnier. (At least, in my mind)
And by the way, Dorfl knows what he's doing.
The Archangel's True Form didn't faze Dorfl much, and nor did Jonathan's sudden transformation, although the Golem was glad to see that for once getting more powerful had pacified Jonathan, instead of inflating his ego and anger as it had always done before.
Very little can faze a Golem when he does not want to be fazed.
And there was something different in Jonathan's elemental signature as well, but there wasn't much time to look into the details of that, because Dorfl saw, or noticed, or felt, or whatever you wanted to call it, another presence. It was another one he'd felt before, and it was vaguely similar to Incarnate's, but much more sinister.
It was Morte, False God of Death.
And he was coming. By the looks (Or feelings) of it, he had an army with him. A very big army. The kind that you don't waste time staring in awe at when they get to you because you're already dead when they get to you. That kind of army.
It would have been a shame to waste such a beautiful weapon as this. Good thing there were going to be a lot of people. It would go off much nicer that way.
"Yes indeed. It would be utterly foolish of you to fight among yourselves, when my army already has you in its deadly grip."
. . . Were the first words Morte uttered upon entering the battlefield, but Dorfl had sensed how close they were long ago and had shifted into his Aether form.
And, as everyone knows, the Aether can be used as a portal between dimensions. The more enterprising can use it to move from place to place very quickly in one dimension, by exiting and re-entering it. This is known as Teleportation, and Dorfl was about to use it to great effect. Everyone knows bombs explode better in the middle of things. And this was a very special bomb...
Dorfl arrived at the back of the Necropolis in a small flash of light an a faintly audible pop of the air expanding and compressing. He could tell from the energies at the front of the castle that it would not be wise to attack there, as it was mostly comprised of living, or at least living dead, creatures.
Most of these were Dracoliches, but there were some strewn appendages that it looked like the fortress could use as arms, and there were Ivory Dragons flying in front of it as well, with Reapers and Tartarian Netherlords astride them.
These, as well as Morte, of course, could easily sense such an obvious breach in security and would no doubt send units to apprehend him, so it was best to work fast.
When the device was attached and primed to hit liking, he shifted into his Air form, his weapon for now being a giant four-pointed shuriken, or throwing star. It had a hole in the center, and his arm was inside of that.
It was also spinning very much, and very fast.
Dorfl then threw it at the Reaper that came around behind him, in a very badly-made attempt to ambush someone who could sense energies, and spiraled up and away, while the shuriken ripped straight through the bone torso of the Reaper without slowing, and returned to him in a lazy-looking but wicked fast curve.
Of course, it took more than being cut in half to kill a Reaper, but that was not the objective. The objective was to run to a safe distance, and detonate the bomb from there. He had his mind's eye focused on it and it's surround areas, so he could teleport away and detonate it prematurely if need be.
Another well known fact is that Lightning originates in the Aether, a buildup of energy that moves so quickly it opens it's own pathways into another world, where it can be safely grounded. Those who can control the Aether, can also control Lightning.
And Lightning, as is also well known, will jump from one place to another. Or, in fact, one person to another.
Needless to say, there was a lot of energy bouncing around in that small sphere of destruction, and it was just waiting for someone to let it out.
Alright, done.
Another thing: The bomb won't kill the entire army, or down the flying castle or anything, but it will severely weaken both, but the army more so, because the Lighting it releases will jump from body to body, and intensify (Or at least, hit the same place multiple times. In other words, it'll strike twice.)