"Well, I guess I'll head there next."
Yüruk took a small needle out from his pants, concentrated on it, and turned it into a small pile of dirt. He then placed a seed inside, pushed the pile into the sunlight, and waited.
"You can take an Elf out of the woods..." he chuckled, watching the vernalt tree, known for it's extremely rapid growth, and it's photosynthesis. Slowly, it's roots pierced the floor of the cell, sucking it's nutrients.
"ALRIGHT!" called a guard, "times up!" He flipped a switch to turn the cell back on, but it wasn't receiving any quanta. All the while, the tree got bigger. Panicking, he flew off to sound the alarm. But even as he closed the gate that was a border between planes, the tree saw it's increased source of light and it's roots flew through. When the gate closed, the severed roots created a new tree on the other side.
"And now Darloff knows how to find us," said Yüruk with a smile.