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Re: Elements RPG! Part 3 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6743.msg114836#msg114836
« Reply #648 on: July 15, 2010, 04:10:55 am »
ugh,I'm really annoyed that a lot of players leave Rpgs maybe by accident,or on purpose,without telling people. :'(

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Re: Elements RPG! Part 3 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6743.msg114874#msg114874
« Reply #649 on: July 15, 2010, 05:36:43 am »
Sorry, I'm slowly trying to catch up.


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Re: Elements RPG! Part 3 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6743.msg115027#msg115027
« Reply #650 on: July 15, 2010, 02:05:28 pm »
I believe I can safely state that everyone misses Icy, and certainly not solely in this RPG.

Incidentally, you should know that the Riders of the Dawn are almost powerful enough to be a deus ex machina. They should only be employed in situations where there is no hope, for then, only they can bring the Dawn and the Light. Also, Bloodshadow might be excused for his attitude towards the Angels were Emparael leading a regular Army battalion, but he cannot be excused for it in front of Heaven's elite of the elite. I strongly advise you to not employ them without need; in your flashback, an Army unit, or at most, the Guardians of the Peace, would have been fine.

Also, I hope you did not actually intend to "annihlate Emparael" with ease, were fighting to actually hypothetically begin; it is relevant to the theme of godmodding once more. Remember, we agreed that there is a disparity between a Master in true form with full power and an Archangel, but certainly not remotely close to that extent.



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Re: Elements RPG! Part 3 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6743.msg115120#msg115120
« Reply #651 on: July 15, 2010, 05:03:57 pm »

   Sekhor and Mordekai made their way in relative silence, traveling through the Earthen Mountains. Both had much to reflect on, and little to converse about. For Sekhor, what were the implications of a new generation of Masters, and why had Zanzarino not contacted them directly, as he had all those years ago? Had Sekhor's time passed? He had been Master for so long, he did not expect to see more ever again. This weighed heaviest on his conscious. He had been selfish when the time came for honour, and though the role had not been his, he could not help but feel the burden now that it's consequences were falling back onto him.
   For Mordekai, he faced the realization that he would be a hero. The likes of which his people had not seen since his own grandfather. More over, the realization that his grandfather had had an entire secret life that he had not spoken of to his family. What expectations would his people have of him. What expectations would Zanzarino have of him. It was alot to grasp in only a short period of time.
   The pair climbed a ridge, reaching the top of the mountain they had been climbing. Sekhor's time manipulation had helped their travels greatly, but they had still taken their time. Mordekai pointed to a shining light far off on another of the Earthen Mountains.
"There is where we'll find the Titan. I can feel it's power calling to me..."
"Good. Your powers as a Master are growing. Soon you will be able to feel all the quanta of our world and those beyond."


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Re: Elements RPG! Part 3 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6743.msg115159#msg115159
« Reply #652 on: July 15, 2010, 06:20:02 pm »
Phocionus stood upon a precipice, gazing upon the World below in the utmost serenity, feeling the breeze upon himself, his entire body enjoying the rare concomitant coolness.

Earlier in the day, he had been occupied with his work; he was a scribe in Tol Jarghein, capital city in the Deserts of Time whose task essentially that of diplomatics: the study of the provenance of old documents and dating them. Recently, he had found a certain scroll written in a beautiful ancient language almost uncomprehendable by most of the inhabitants of the Middle Plane, but which he could still barely read. With permission from the Keeper of the Eternal Library of Tol Jarghein, for he had a reputation of trustworthiness, he had taken the scroll with him to relax in the mountains.

He began to concentrate on the contents of the document, and discovered that as long as he proceeded very slowly and methodically, he could obtain a grasp on the meaning of the written words.

In the second-to-last year of the Last Golden Age, the Demons of Hell, seizing an opportunity to subjugate Middle Plane inhabitants now that Heaven no longer protected it, attacked in full force. The Desert of Time was one of the targets of the hellish inhabitants, and they would have rampaged through the land unchecked, were it not for one heroic figure. In the last year of the Golden Age, the Archangel of Love, Eldarael, despite having been warned by all of Heaven to withdraw, refused to abandon his outpost, the last line of defence between the approaching hordes of invaders and the Holy City of Tol Jarghein. And so it was that he died.

Phocionus' tears began to wet the papyrus, now having recalled a dear friend whom he knew personally. He no longer felt the desire to continue reading.

He was shaken out of his reverie by what appeared to be two figures approaching the Mountains; it was difficult to tell from this distance as to whom exactly they were, but always of a trusting nature, he waited until they were near, and said, "Greetings, strangers, and well met, I hope. It is not often that one one wanders as such around these Mountains, but whatever your purpose be upon your journey, let me know if I may be of assistance."


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Re: Elements RPG! Part 3 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6743.msg115182#msg115182
« Reply #653 on: July 15, 2010, 06:54:59 pm »

   Sekhor was surprised that his keen sense of smell had not detected this traveler, but thought little of it. Winds changed quickly in the mountains, and it was possible that he could have simply walked passed the man and never have known his presence.
"Hello to you as well," said Mordekai, wary of the denizen of the Earthen Mountains, but reluctant to distrust him for nothing less than his heritage, "I think we're quite alright, lest you know if there is a city or perhaps a fortress upon those mountains there." He indicated the same direction as before, more confident than before that this was the location of the Titan.
   Sekhor continued to observe the man silently, giving a short nod to show his acknowledgment of the greeting. He placed his hand over his heart, fingers spread in the traditional greeting of the Sands of Time. His silence was almost tangible, and he knew he should speak, but he could no longer ignore the scent of Fate this man held. After the man had answered Mordekai's question, Sekhor reluctantly cut in.
"What is your name, if I may as be so bold to ask? Your family name?"

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Re: Elements RPG! Part 3 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6743.msg115239#msg115239
« Reply #654 on: July 15, 2010, 08:01:47 pm »
Incidentally, you should know that the Riders of the Dawn are almost powerful enough to be a deus ex machina. They should only be employed in situations where there is no hope, for then, only they can bring the Dawn and the Light. Also, Bloodshadow might be excused for his attitude towards the Angels were Emparael leading a regular Army battalion, but he cannot be excused for it in front of Heaven's elite of the elite. I strongly advise you to not employ them without need; in your flashback, an Army unit, or at most, the Guardians of the Peace, would have been fine.
Dude. I only allowed you to conquer the Abyss because it was Heaven's First Golden Age. Again, let me remind you that the Ancient Ones are monstrously powerful uberdemons. Nothing short of the Riders of the Dawn, Heaven's most powerful force, can successfully subjugate Hell.

Also, Heaven holds no jurisdiction over Masters, since they're second to only Zanzarino. Bloodshadow couldn't care less about whether Heaven excuses him or not when Emparael blatantly ignores the Treaty of Utarius and attacks the Abyss. He used to respect Heaven's wishes, but not after what Emparael did.

Also, I hope you did not actually intend to "annihlate Emparael" with ease, were fighting to actually hypothetically begin; it is relevant to the theme of godmodding once more. Remember, we agreed that there is a disparity between a Master in true form with full power and an Archangel, but certainly not remotely close to that extent.
Bloodshadow just said that to try to scare Emparael away. He can completely and utterly annihilate an Archangel, but it would not be easy.
To be or not to be, I can do both at once. Go learn quantum mechanics, n00b.


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Re: Elements RPG! Part 3 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6743.msg115265#msg115265
« Reply #655 on: July 15, 2010, 08:15:28 pm »
Incidentally, you should know that the Riders of the Dawn are almost powerful enough to be a deus ex machina. They should only be employed in situations where there is no hope, for then, only they can bring the Dawn and the Light. Also, Bloodshadow might be excused for his attitude towards the Angels were Emparael leading a regular Army battalion, but he cannot be excused for it in front of Heaven's elite of the elite. I strongly advise you to not employ them without need; in your flashback, an Army unit, or at most, the Guardians of the Peace, would have been fine.
Dude. I only allowed you to conquer the Abyss because it was Heaven's First Golden Age. Again, let me remind you that the Ancient Ones are monstrously powerful uberdemons. Nothing short of the Riders of the Dawn, Heaven's most powerful force, can successfully subjugate Hell.

Actually, I think 3 Divisions of five thousand Guardians of the Peace each, supplemented by a Field Army of fifty-five thousand regulars with the heaviest available artillery support could have accomplished the task, albeit after a great struggle. Also remember, the Ancient Ones did not go extinct, nor was the Abyss completely conquered at all; Emparael simply established the Protectorate in a part of the Abyss.

Incidentally, no matter what the situation is, the Riders of the Dawn deserve a certain innate respect from everyone, just as Catyrael wouldn't brashly label the Obyriths or the Ancient Ones as a group of "pathetic little things" in an attempt to fuel his own ego even if the Demons were to assault the gates of Heaven.

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Re: Elements RPG! Part 3 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6743.msg115289#msg115289
« Reply #656 on: July 15, 2010, 08:32:32 pm »
Well well well...


The fight wasn't very eventful. Both sides were using their most powerful attacks on the other, but each one seemed completely unfazed, direct hit or not. In short, it was like a democratic government. Things were happening, and you could see them, they just weren't having any effect.

In any event, if one side managed to gain the upper hand, and Dorfl knew from experience that one side would win eventually, evenly matched as may be the case, they would undoubtedly try to kill the other.

With fights this big and opponents this strong, all it would take would be one blow. One hit, in the right place, could end it very quickly or at least very fatally for either side.

But, since one fighter was an Archangel and the other was a Master, it wouldn't really do to have either of them die.

If worst came to worst, he'd have to . . . intervene.

It was at this point he remembered a tool the miners used back in the Earthen Mountains for when they wanted to move something out of the way. Like a mountain.

With a slight grin on his face, Dorfl began to ready his weapon.


I know, just absolutely know I've put something in here Blood will reject to. Perhaps Helios, but I doubt it. I know it's there, I know what it is, so I'd appreciate if you didn't make a whole new post to tell me what I already know. Just saying.

I ask nothing of humanity but fairness in all things, but I do not expect even that.


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Re: Elements RPG! Part 3 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6743.msg115307#msg115307
« Reply #657 on: July 15, 2010, 08:40:02 pm »
Personally, I hold no objections to what you wrote regarding the fight, Terro.

Incidentally, would you prefer a dictatorship? A monarchy? Communism? Ogliarchy? Anarchy?  ;)

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Re: Elements RPG! Part 3 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6743.msg115309#msg115309
« Reply #658 on: July 15, 2010, 08:41:49 pm »
No need to intervene, Terro. Jonathan will intervene.

Jonathan: "You are not Bloodshadow; I am. I know what you are now: you are XXXXXXXXXX"

This line will happen in Jonathan's inner world, when Bloodshadow tries to change Jonathan's physical body to something resembling his original Ancient One form. After he assumes his second dragon form, Jonathan will be the one in control, and the only reason he continues the fight is because he was the one who challenged Emparael in the first place.
Again, Helios, nothing short of Heaven's most powerful military force can successfully defeat the Ancient Ones.
To be or not to be, I can do both at once. Go learn quantum mechanics, n00b.


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Re: Elements RPG! Part 3 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6743.msg115324#msg115324
« Reply #659 on: July 15, 2010, 08:48:50 pm »
Again, Helios, nothing short of Heaven's most powerful military force can successfully defeat the Ancient Ones.
Then I will simply agree to differ on this point, though I am aware of the actual capabilities of Heaven's military.

