The Archangel of Justice appeared startled for a second by his old friend's query, having been distracted from his pondering on the continuation of the mandate and campaign against Morte.
"As you noticed, Heaven has changed significantly since your departure at the end of the Second Golden Age. The general attitude is no longer quite as welcoming and friendly to others; whereas before we feasted and flourished upon diversity, Heaven has become a closed society. Even a daughter of a mighty Archangel of War may not be welcomed by some presently. Fortunately, the Chief Guardian of the Peace, Vaderael, is another old friend of mine, and you may remember that he once served as a Sword. He may be moved and inclined to grant Sirenes an exception upon Council approval."
Turning to the rest of the group, he also said, "Everyone should be aware, in fact, that upon deliberation, I have decided to request reinforcements. Our original mandate does not involve nor include having to storm a heavily fortified fortress in the heart of hostile territory. As such, in our current state, we are not prepared for it. Fortunately, Emparael has always been on standby ever since our departure, and should be arriving with an Army unit soon to assist us."
OOC: Of course, Emparael will be arriving at an appropriate chronological moment, but perhaps not solely for the purpose for which Catyrael has requested...

Further, as important information concerning the organisation of the Hosts of Heaven:
1) The Army is the standard military force of Heaven, comprising most of the Angelic warriors.
2) The Guardians of the Peace are the Army's elite forces; they are usually dispatched to attain objectives that the Army would face difficulty in reaching. However, they usually serve as the protectors and guards of Heaven.
3) The Sword of Justice is Catyrael's personal elite force created for the purpose of enforcing Heaven's Justice and Will on the Middle Plane; they are the equivalent of the Guardians, though they are not a formation of the Army.
4) If there is anything conceivably and possibly more dangerous than an army of Angels, it would be the Winged Cavalry: Angels on Pegasi

5) If there exists anything conceivably and possibly more dangerous than an army of Angels on Pegasi, it would be the Riders of the Dawn: Angels mounted on Light Dragons