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Re: Elements RPG! Part 3 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6743.msg97235#msg97235
« Reply #372 on: June 20, 2010, 09:39:03 pm »
A Shade is, presumably, a creature of Darkness. It can be a necromancer? I guess that's fine.

Xenlos is a pretty unique and interesting character. I say that he can join. But again, he won't get to be a Master.

But now we have too many :darkness :death characters... Jonathan, Faustus, Frideric, Xenlos, and Deathdealer's character whom I do not want to be simply called Death.
To be or not to be, I can do both at once. Go learn quantum mechanics, n00b.


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Re: Elements RPG! Part 3 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6743.msg97236#msg97236
« Reply #373 on: June 20, 2010, 09:40:41 pm »
A Shade is, presumably, a creature of Darkness. It can be a necromancer? I guess that's fine.

Xenlos is a pretty unique and interesting character. I say that he can join. But again, he won't get to be a Master.

But now we have too many :darkness :death characters... Jonathan, Faustus, Frideric, Xenlos, and Deathdealer's character whom I do not want to be simply called Death.

i guess i could change him and redo the character entirely  :o

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Re: Elements RPG! Part 3 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6743.msg97241#msg97241
« Reply #374 on: June 20, 2010, 09:42:07 pm »
No, Xenlos is a pretty good character. You don't need to change him.

However, I don't think you can summon Vampires. Vampires are creatures of Darkness (see my above post concerning True and False Vampires), and I don't think they're mindless enough to allow themselves to be summoned.
To be or not to be, I can do both at once. Go learn quantum mechanics, n00b.


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Re: Elements RPG! Part 3 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6743.msg97243#msg97243
« Reply #375 on: June 20, 2010, 09:43:49 pm »
No, Xenlos is a pretty good character. You don't need to change him.

However, I don't think you can summon Vampires. Vampires are creatures of Darkness (see my above post concerning True and False Vampires), and I don't think they're mindless enough to allow themselves to be summoned.
Okay i changed it to simply gargoyles and skellies.

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Re: Elements RPG! Part 3 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6743.msg97290#msg97290
« Reply #376 on: June 20, 2010, 11:19:21 pm »
On the rather shaky assumption that Vaxyos and Dorfl aren't doing anything else right now, I'll have him enter the scene, or at least the sidelines. (On the off-chance that they are, I'll stage it so that it could have happened afterwards, and maybe post that other part later)


Watching the proceedings in horror, as all attempts to make peace by the Angels were thrust aside by Jonathan. No, not even Jonathan, she realized. This wasn't the Vampire/Demon hybrid she had traveled with, but some other being called Bloodshadow who possessed  incredible powers.

"I am Devilord Bloodshadow, Conqueror of the Abyss, Supreme Archlord of Hell, Leader of the Ancient Demonic Race, and Master of Darkness."

She had been right, to her mounting dread, and Bloodshadow was not likely to make any type of peace with the Archangels, so the proceedings would naturally come out to a fight. Sirenes put her head in her hands, not wanting her friends and allies to fight like this, when she heard the voices.

"Are you sure it's here?

"Of course I'm sure. Where else would it be?"

"Well, after you lose count of the number of times your 'Driver' has gotten lost, a golem starts to question if he'd be better of alone."

"Nonsense. Without me, you'd have no idea where you're going. Anyways, there were some huge bursts of energy around here earlier, and I'm guessing they were Jonathan and Xanriel doing who knows what.

They appeared to be coming from . . . the ground. There was a little mound of dirt following the point they seemed to originate from, and she walked along the ground, her head cocked to hear anything else they might say.

"You guess? Around? And, contrary to your beliefs, I'm sure I could have found this place my first try without you.

"Shhh . . . We're here."

And then a familiar, terra-cotta arm broke through the earth beside her, and she jumped out the way with a shriek of surprise.

"Oh. Hallo, Sirenes. We miss anything?" Said Dorfl, hauling himself out of the ground and pulling up what she was relieved to see was Vaxyos after him.

The first golem then appeared to notice Jonathan and Xanriel, along with the group of Archangels, and his tone sounded a bit dissapointed next when he said "Shit. They're fighting, aren't they?"


On another note: I think Gargoyles are on the same level of intelligence as Vampires, but that is, after all, an opinion.
I ask nothing of humanity but fairness in all things, but I do not expect even that.

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Re: Elements RPG! Part 3 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6743.msg97295#msg97295
« Reply #377 on: June 20, 2010, 11:29:17 pm »
Just so you know, Bloodshadow will make peace with the Archangels when they finally recognize who he really is. Like, "oh yeah, I've seen you before", or something like that.
To be or not to be, I can do both at once. Go learn quantum mechanics, n00b.


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Re: Elements RPG! Part 3 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6743.msg97306#msg97306
« Reply #378 on: June 20, 2010, 11:46:40 pm »
OOC: lmao at characters from my RPG showing up here XD

I'm of the opinion that both characters are good, but that Death really isn't a very good name for a character.

As for the Bloodshadow incident, I'll wait for Helios's post.

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Re: Elements RPG! Part 3 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6743.msg97322#msg97322
« Reply #379 on: June 21, 2010, 12:07:54 am »
New idea: In the Middle Plane, the continent is divided into twelve sections, each dominated by an element. In the center of each section is an object of great power, the source of most energies in that section.

 :aether Dimensional Gate
 :air Stone of Levity
 :darkness Eternal Eclipse
 :death Well of Pestilence
 :earth Adamant Pillar
 :entropy Chaos Gate
 :fire Magma Core
 :gravity The Singularity
 :life Tree of Life
 :light Crystal Arch
 :time Sands of Time
 :water Spring of Atlantis

Better suggestions welcome...

This is important, because Morte is trying to steal the Eternal Eclipse, Darkness's object of power. That makes him the aggressor, and thus gives Heaven a reason to help us even though we're invading them.
To be or not to be, I can do both at once. Go learn quantum mechanics, n00b.


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Re: Elements RPG! Part 3 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6743.msg97331#msg97331
« Reply #380 on: June 21, 2010, 12:22:28 am »
It is appropriate and propitious now to conclude this episode.

Incidentally, Catyrael is the sole Archangel present. (My bringing of multiple Archangels upon the Middle Plane would be very much and extremely overpowered. Such things happen perhaps once in ten thousand years under the most extraordinary of circumstances)

Finally, the Crystal Arch I was referring to is the landmark of Heaven, for clarification. If you wish, however, you may have one on the Middle Plane as well.


"Are you quite alright, Falindael?" asked Dominrael.

"I was caught unexpectedly off-guard by the madman; his true form, however, is indeed a creature to be reckoned with, though I have witnessed worse," said Falindael, having recovered after a second's shock.

"I saw it as well; the madman is actually not prevaricating upon the point of his identity. This is actually Bloodshadow of Hell, whom I had encountered only once before, at Utarius," pronounced Catyrael.

"Even if it were so, with his actions which reek of lunacy, he has shamed his fellow Archlords of Hell; despite their provenance from the Underworld, they are generally polite and courteous," said Falindael.

"Remember the mandate's parametres. Should he ever become hostile, he shall be an enemy beyond even you, Veteran Sword Angels. Should those extreme circumstances ever be produced, retreat, and leave him to me," said the Archangel of Justice, "Pray that never occurs."

This being said, he spoke clearly to the demon, "Concerning the legalities, I must insist that you are currently in territory that is under the jurisdiction of Heaven's Justice, by the very terms of the Treaty which you continue to remind everyone to have personally signed. As such, you are obliged to obey the laws of the land; be you a former Supreme Archlord of Hell or not, the Law holds sway over you. But that is a petty point in the current situation, for you have insulted a Song of Solraegiel. It would have been one matter to have criticised our particular performance and singing, I have not the slightest care for that; but insulting the Song itself due to spite against me is completely different, for you insult Solraegiel and his memory. He was the greatest of beings to have ever lived in this World, and were his intentions materialised and realised fully, he would have made it a better place. You must not, and you will not disparage him in my presence, for I will undertake the furthest extremes to avenge his honour. The original Devil himself did not and would not attack Solraegiel unjustly; so it is then, that you, Bloodshadow, will also follow his example, and not think yourself too high or mighty to have to do so, or you will have trouble of a very personal and fatal nature with me."

Continuing, "Those unpleasant words having been said, I will now render clearity unto the following: in this case, I am an ally. My mandate bids me to bring the aggressor Morte to justice, which means that we should be fighting together for our objectives remain essentially the same. Hopefully that revelation will quell your hostility."

Turning to the Swords again, he said, "We have wasted enough time with this kind of distraction and it is imperative that we proceed immediately with the mandate. According to our intelligence reports, the Necropolis remains heavily fortified; it will require a concerted effort to break through and apprehend Morte."


Useful tip: Don't insult Solraegiel, and everything should eventually turn out to be fine. ;)

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Re: Elements RPG! Part 3 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6743.msg97347#msg97347
« Reply #381 on: June 21, 2010, 12:44:35 am »
Just so you know, Bloodshadow will make peace with the Archangels when they finally recognize who he really is. Like, "oh yeah, I've seen you before", or something like that.
Yeah, I got that message from a few of your posts this page, saying that he's just trying to get them to recognize him. Was just trying to think of it from Sirenes's point-of-view, though I probably failed horribly, especially since she's not even my character. (So is the rest of this, mind)

I guess I just assumed that they were all Archangels. Will keep that in mind, and also not interfere, just going to show the ending of my previous post over here, since it's behind a whole page already.


"Shit. They're fighting, aren't they?"

"Yeah, Jonathan came out of nowhere and turned into this Bloodshadow character, and I'm afraid he's going to fight Xanrielm," Said Sirenes, shivering at the thought of the eighteen-winged Angel charging that massive Dragon. If it happened, it would not end well.

"Hopefully, that will not be the case. But it is their matter, so I propose we do not intervene until actual battle begins, and in that event I do believe me and Vaxyos over there will have to stop them. Unless of course you want to help . . ."

"Stop them? How do you think you're going to do that?" said the half-nymph, pointedly ignoring Dorfl's invitation to battle the two Masters. It was a dismal prospect, putting herself in the middle of those destructive entities she had imagined earlier.

"We just will. That's all there is to it, really. One of the advantages of being a Golem is that you will always have one less enemy to fight, and that enemy is fear."

With that said, Dorfl sat down cross-legged on the ground, watching the ever-mounting tension of the conversation, in case it should break out into a fight.

And... Done.
I ask nothing of humanity but fairness in all things, but I do not expect even that.


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Re: Elements RPG! Part 3 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6743.msg97389#msg97389
« Reply #382 on: June 21, 2010, 01:49:00 am »
[OOC] True, Sirenes wouldn't want to interfere with a battle between allies, but she also wouldn't simply allow them to harm each other.

Sirenes hugged herself around the middle, watching them argue back and forth amongst themselves. All the talk of respect and old promises a bit much. Though Jonathan's anger toward the beings of light drew the most of her attention, in the back of her mind something else bothered her. She would have to speak with Xanriel and possibly Catyrael as well after the situation was resolved. She didn't bother making an effort to hide how unhappy she was right then.

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Re: Elements RPG! Part 3 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6743.msg97394#msg97394
« Reply #383 on: June 21, 2010, 01:56:12 am »
The original Devil himself did not and would not attack Solraegiel unjustly;
There is no original Devil. Bloodshadow is literally the oldest demon in existence, being the only living member of the Ancient Ones; not to mention, he is probably the first Ancient One to be formed out of the Abyss. He is waaaaaaaaaay older than Lucifer. And keep in mind that there are no other Archlords of Hell back in the Golden Age; Bloodshadow is the Archlord.

Also, Bloodshadow has zero regards toward Solraegiel. The only being he think of as higher than himself is Zanzarino. Please do not over-glorify Solraegiel too much, as he isn't even the Master of Light. In Elements, Zanzarino reigns supreme; then comes the Masters; then it's the leaders of Heaven and Hell. So technically, as we have agreed before, as the Master of Darkness Bloodshadow is of both higher rank and power compared to Solraegiel.


"You make me laugh, foolish Angels," chuckled Bloodshadow. "Who is Solraegiel? He is but a mere Angel, whose light is dwarfed by that of Chamuel, Master of Light. He is nothing compared to Zanzarino, our One True God. Do not ever forget whom your true Creator is."

With a sigh, the black demonic mask on Bloodshadow's face began to crack and fade. "You children can no longer recall the Elder Days, can you? I am the very first Demon to form out of the Darkness of the Abyss. I have conquered Hell, and thus I am the original Devil." His voice seemed to grow fainter, as the mask dissipated into darkness. "But that is irrelevant now," said Bloodshadow/Jonathan. "If your intention is to aid me in my campaign against Morte, then your aid is gladly appreciated."
To be or not to be, I can do both at once. Go learn quantum mechanics, n00b.

