"Gone Ye Shall be from our sacred forest glens, dead to our people and banished from our lands"
And with that, Typaca was struck down, lower than his people and humiliated in their eyes. Blackness overtook him, for he had no desire to be in the realm of the waking.
He smelled something rich and earthy as something was placed before him, opening his eyes he could make out the blurry for of a little Leaf Dragon depositing some green orbs in front of him, he got up and sniffed one. It seemed to contain no poison. He cautiously picked one up in his fangs and slowly chewed on it. It had a savory flavor, uncomfortably like dirt yet somehow organic and definitely nourishing. The little Leaf Dragon walked over, almost hidden by the edge of the forest.
"Well, you had better get used to that stuff, it's all you're going to be having for sometime to come. Unless you can find some other way to get food."
"Where am I?" Typaca asked "Who are you?"
"We are at the edge of your old home, in the kingdom of light, which is how I was able to make you some food."
"What might your name be, little leaf dragon"
"You may call me Marmaduke" said the creature
"Where are we going?" asked the Green dragon
"We have no destination, yet we must leave..."