OOC: Lol, I was gone for a while. Nice job starting the epic fight without me.
And Purity, you said "Mordekai" instead of "Heimdall".
Calamity to calamity, thought Heimdall.
We will never stop fighting. With a grim smile, he turned back to the battle between Jonathan - or, as he called himself, Bloodshadow - and Morte. Suddenly, he felt a deadly energy pulsing outwards. Then, in unison, all the undead warriors that they had already struck down...came back to life. Heimdall cursed loudly, but the gigantic life golem that was Dorfl and the crazed angel Xanriel were already working to destroy them. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Ragen smashing skulls tirelessly and a fierce Zanthos, letting off arrow after arrow into the hearts of ghouls.
It's no use, thought Heimdall.
Morte is the one we need to beat.Heimdall ran into the town, opening every house, looking for the survivors of the siege. To his surprise, he saw a large group of vampires and demons cowering in a meeting hall.
"What are you doing here?" called out Heimdall. "Help us rid this town of Morte's undead army!"
The demons stared back at him with baleful eyes. "It's too dangerous," said one.
"Survival," said another. "Survival is more important."
"NONE of us will survive if we don't fight back," growled Heimdall. "Now. Who here knows magic or the psionic arts?"
A handful of demons and vampires stepped out. Among them, Heimdall recognized the tall shopkeeper, who flashed him the very same bloodred smile. He also recognized...
"Nyxia," breathed Heimdall. "Jonathan won't want you out there."
"No," said the Nymph. "I'm going out. He'd want me helping him."
"Well," said Heimdall, "If you believe so." Then, he ran out of the building, leading a cluster of people with him. They approached the cataclysmic battle between Morte and Bloodshadow. Xanriel seemed to be in the fray, also. Just then, Bloodshadow let loose a ray of dark energy. Morte leapt upwards gracefully, narrowly avoiding the shockwave. At the same time, Xanriel leapt upwards, cleaving through the air with a deadly scythe at Morte. He lifted his Arsenic just a fraction, and blocked the blow. Heimdall closed his eyes. "Everyone, as Jonathan and Xanriel attack Morte physically, we will have to attack him mentally." He felt the consciousness of everyone around him. The vampires had a mysterious, sneaking consciousness, which supplemented with the angry, powerful demon consciousness.
And then, there was the shifting, yet infinitely powerful consciousness of Nyxia. Heimdall had only felt another nymph's consciousness once before, and he knew what power it contained. He worked on assimilating all the mental power around him into one gigantic spear. Then, he felt even more power rush into him.
What is this? thought Heimdall.
Who here contains this much mental power?Then he realized that it was himself.
Xanriel's Empathic Bond, he knew.
Quit daydreaming, we got a battle to fight, said Nyxia musingly into Heimdall's mind.
Fine. Heimdall led the streams of consciousness together - an invincible battering ram filled with the mental power of a Ulitharid, a Nymph, Vampires, and Demons. He found the mind of Morte, and rammed the spear deep into the deep, deadly, scheming mind of the False God.