As Zanthos rode across the Aether plains, he thought about the spells he knew and how to improve them. He thought about combining some of his abilities, and of the old man that had called him "healer." All of a sudden, he knew what his role was in the great scheme of things. He was to be the supporter of the ones who attacked the Fallen Elves, and though he would certainly get his share of fighting, he wasn't one of the main fighters. This suited him fine, as he enjoyed helping others and didn't mind a support sort of role in fighting. This thought pleased him and he thought it showed he was quite mature indeed, to not mind having this sort of role. After an hour or two riding across the featureless plains of Aether, Zanthos came upon a town, where he stopped to rest himself and the Azif Featherider before continuing. However, when pulling water from the town's well, he saw out on the plains a fair distance from the town a couple characters battling each other. As far as he could tell, they didn't seem to want to really hurt one another, as if they were play fighting.
After asking about them, the locals told him they were travelers like himself, a party of adventurers on a quest. As he watched them fight, he suddenly saw a large creature rear up behind them. The fighters didn't seem to notice the creature at all, so engrossed were they in their fight. The creature reared up as if to attack. Without even thinking about it, Zanthos reached for his bow and strung an arrow, sighting along the shaft. As he aimed, the Ulithiarid turned and looked at the creature in horror. Zanthos released the arrow. It flew straight into the vile monsters heart, the power of it piercing directly through the armoured plates of the monster. The Ulitharid turned and looked straight at Zanthos, as if he could read Zanthos's mind. Zanthos ran to the Ulitharid, now knowing that this was the party he was destined to join, and this was the feat by which he proved his entrance into the group.
As he ran, he thought, "Well, I guess those long hours practicing my accuracy and power have finally paid off."
He soon reached the party, all now looking at the creature with an arrow straight through its heart.
He introduced himself, saying, "Hello. I am Zanthos Brightbow, son of Lord of the Elves Yelmar Silverwood, and I am at your service.
Rather good entrance, don't you think?