majofa (6) - Killsdazombies, Jenkar, Jocko, whatifidogetcaught?, Ge0metry v1.2, nilsieboy
UnderneathTheLens (1) - Zblader
OTL (2) - Kuroaitou, vrt
Kuroaitou (1) - Onizuka
regen2k9 (1) - mesaprotector
bogtro (2) - jippy99, laxadarap
Onizuka (6) - qwerter, RootRanger, Legit, Calindu, majofa, Newbiecake
jippy99 (1) - bogtro
AP579 (3) - AP579, justaburd, Jaymanfu
mesaprotector (2) - 1world24, regen2k9
vrt (1) - OTL
Killsdazombies (1) - UnderneathTheLens
whatifidogetcaught?(1) - Helston, agentflare
Legit (1) - PlayerOa
Tbh, we almost decided to off you in the very first nightkill, but decided that would be a dickmove. My condolences to you for killing you the second round last game. The best I can do now is let RNG decide your fate since you're now tied as I moved my vote from Kuro to Oni (reject me from Team

); may you live long and prosper (if you are not a FG).