well im too lazy for my last FG kill yes i mean stylin brah was the last FG he stop playing after day 3 at best but i didnt want the innocent to win the game by mod kill so here guys my last killstory whatever day it is here it isd:
DAY #:
the knights were glistering a ray of hope, wishing they could finally go back home they lived in happiness back at home and they wanted this happiness to last forever, the last dragon had been sleeping since basically the start of the knights journey to this island, the knights had no porblem finding and stabbing repeadetly at the massive beasts neck. in minutes the beast laid there, dead, victorious the knights gatheed wood and built a ship, they returned happily to their families and they retired after this bloody massacre, that left them more than traumitized after 60 years of therapy they were still scared of hens, as everybody knows dragons evolved from hens.
Stylin Brah: FG and vigilante
all final roles:
nilsieboy liar dead
killdazombies shriecker unbourrowed dead
glitch idiot dead
918273645 tradesman dead
stylin brah vigilante dead
Rastafla supreme being doctor dead
7 deadly sins conartist
Irelugravity fallen elf
Demagog vigilante
Jamiejoneslovesu vulture power 2 dead
Gottacatchemail shriecker burrowed dead
Korugar idiot dead
Giversgivealot conartist dead
$$$man virus dead
Ddevans96 virus dead
Implosion gambler dead
Bender74d vulture power 2.5 dead
Purity riot fallen elf dead
Bigbadbannana ghost dead
Karthinkking shriecker
Linkcat witness dead
Brion vigilante
Raving rabid priest seer
Wardead tradesman
Sveninngen conartist
Unholy spirit liar dead