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Elements Mafia Duel by ddevans96 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10795.msg132763#msg132763
« on: August 07, 2010, 01:43:38 am »
Elements Mafia – Duel Edition
Started by Mastermind79, Continued by icecoldbro, ddevans96, Implosion, 918273645 and Killsdazombies. (If I left you out and you hosted one, let me know)

This is a land of Elementals, beings that can command the elements themselves. Within this land (and sea,and air, and time, blah blah blah), there was a village. Only sixteen people lived in this village, but the False Gods deemed them a threat. As a test, they decided to send three false gods, within the bodies of villagers, to the little community. Thankfully, a savior known only as Zanzarino limited their power long ago. The villagers decided they would kill one person per day until the false gods were found. Meanwhile, the gods decided to kill one person per night until all were dead.

That's right. It's mafia, Duel version

Lord Sho tells us:

Mafia is a game. It is played in real life, and from that, we have derived an internet-friendly version that is playable here on the forums. That's right, here's the game you all know and hate. Except now the rules have been changed, so you can hate it even more! This version is entitled "Elements Mafia - Chaos" to reflect the chaos that is sure to ensue.

The Rules:

Objectives: There are two sides: the false gods (FG's) and the innocents. The innocents win by lynching the FG's and the FG's win by killing the innocents.

Process: This game consists of rounds. Each round lasts two days. There are two parts to a round: the day phase and the night phase. The day phase lasts the entirety of the round in the online version. The night phase is instant and consists of the host declaring who was lynched and who was killed, along with any other events that need mentioning. During the day phase, players vote on who will be lynched that round. There will always be someone chosen for lynching. Ties will be broken by a random number generator. Also, if a player has a special ability that requires them to PM the host in order to use it, they do this during the day phase (seeing as the night phase is instant and all).

PMing: Players are free to PM whoever they want. However, quoting another player's PM is not allowed (unless you are sending it to the host), nor can you ask another player about what the host PMed them (you can ask them what their identity is, but nothing about the PM sent to them). Also, when you are killed in the game, you may no longer PM or post in the thread. The only exception to this is the ghost's ability, which will be described shortly.

Mod-Killing: Any player in violation of the rules will be mod-killed. Also, any player inactive for two rounds in a row will mod-killed.

Players: There are fifteen players when the game starts. These players each have a primary role and a secondary role. Both roles are only known to you at the start of the game (except for the FG's, who know each other's primary roles).


Primary Roles: The game has four primary roles: Civilians (x11), False Gods (x3), a Seer, and a Doctor.

Civilian: The ordinary person. This primary role brings no special ability or benefit. You simply get to vote.

False God: The "evil" person. These players begin the game knowing each other so that they can communicate through PM's. Each round, they agree upon who to target and PM this information to the host. Their target will be killed during that round's night phase (unless somehow saved). PM's should have a primary and a backup target, in case the primary target is lynched.

NEW RULE: The FGs may not oust each other under any circumstances. If an FG is found to be doing this, they should be reported to either myself, or the host, and they well be banned from the game, and the following game of Mafia.

Oracle: The "seer." This player may discover the identity of a player every other round. The seer PM's the name of the target player to the host and the host will reveal the information to the seer. The identity includes both the primary and secondary roles.

Gaurdian Angel: The "doctor" (duh). This player may select a person every other round. If the target player is targeted by the FG's that same round, that player is not killed. The doctor should PM the target's name to the host. It is also asked that you include a backup target in case your primary target is lynched.

Secondary Roles: The game has sixteen secondary roles. These are randomly distributed between each player at the start of the game.

Liar: The person who is voted for by liar on the lynch board looses liar's vote and 1 more

Gambler - Chooses two players every other round. One player‘s role is revealed to the other (it‘s random). The gambler does not get this information. This ability MUST be used when available. This ability is used by PMing the host the names of the two target players.

Village Idiot - Your vote doesn’t count.

Priest - May choose a player every other day. If the targeted player is ever targeted by the FG's, this player knows. This ability is used by PMing the host the name of the target player.

Con Artist - May switch one player’s vote every other round. This ability is used by PMing the host the name of the target player.

Vigilante - Your vote counts twice.

The “Witness” - May save one person from being lynched during the game. Your role is revealed when you do this. You can’t use this power on yourself. This ability is used by PMing the host the name of the target player. You may include more than one player's name.

Supreme Being - Negates one player’s ability every other turn. This ability is used by PMing the host the name of the target player.

Tradesman - Switches secondary roles with the target player. This ability is used by PMing the host the name of the target player.

Ghost - If killed with this secondary ability, can still vote.

Fallen Elf = Randomly reassigns a person’s secondary ability. This ability is used by PMing the host the name of the target player. This ability may be used every round.

Immortal = Automatically saved from death once per game.

Vulture = Vote power starts at 0 and increases by a half each time a person dies.

Armagio = Can sacrifice self to save another person from death. Does not target a player, you simply say if you want to save the lynched person or the mafia hit person. If the targeted player was also targeted by the doctor, the armagio still becomes the intended target and dies. If the doctor targeted the armagio instead, the armagio is saved, as well as the person the FG's targeted. However, this ability can not be turned off.

Shrieker = Can burrow self to become immune to abilities but loses voting power while burrowed. This ability is activated and deactivated by sending a PM to the host. If activated, it can only be deactivated once the round is over, and vice versa.

Virus - Kills self and target player. The target player always dies unless immortal or burrowed. You still die regardless. This ability is activated by sending a PM to the host.

Remember, secondary roles have nothing to do with primary roles.

Some secondary activated skills notes: This does not apply to primary roles. You may only use one activated skill per round. If you use your activated skill and your skill is changed later during that round into another skill that requires activation, you may not activate that skill until the next round. If your activated skill is changed before you used it, you may use the new one that round. If your activated ability was used in the previous round and you can only use it every other round and your ability is changed, you can use the new ability this round (even if it happens to be the same ability). If you used the priest's ability in a previous round, you still get the information that you would get even if your ability is changed. If you used the armagio's ability and your ability is changed, you still have the "gravity pull" status, because it can not be turned off. Hopefully I covered everything...

That should be everything you need to know in order to play the game.

Sign ups begin now.


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Re: Elements Mafia Duel by $$$man https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10795.msg132764#msg132764
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2010, 01:43:51 am »
Host post.

JJ 52


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Re: Elements Mafia Duel by $$$man https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10795.msg132765#msg132765
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2010, 01:43:58 am »
I'm in


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Re: Elements Mafia Duel by $$$man https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10795.msg132766#msg132766
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2010, 01:44:29 am »
sign me up


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Re: Elements Mafia Duel by $$$man https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10795.msg132770#msg132770
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2010, 01:46:32 am »
Also Bender i would appreiciate that spreadsheet :D

Offline ddevans96

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Re: Elements Mafia Duel by $$$man https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10795.msg132772#msg132772
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2010, 01:46:57 am »
So...it's exactly the same as regular mafia except it has a duel feature?

I'm not sure...I might sign up later.

EDIT: I will play. Add me in!
discord / twitter: palafrost - 2x master of water - false god enthusiast
twitch: palafrost - speedrunner, ex-celeste, currently hades
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Re: Elements Mafia Duel by $$$man https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10795.msg132773#msg132773
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2010, 01:47:57 am »
So...it's exactly the same as regular mafia except it has a duel feature?

I'm not sure...I might sign up later.
Yah but im preety sure the duel feature will come into play A LOT


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Re: Elements Mafia Duel by $$$man https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10795.msg132781#msg132781
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2010, 01:56:53 am »
IM in.


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Re: Elements Mafia Duel by $$$man https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10795.msg132799#msg132799
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2010, 02:34:30 am »
I'm in.


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Re: Elements Mafia Duel by $$$man https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10795.msg132873#msg132873
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2010, 05:53:49 am »
Sign me up!

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  • bepbop
Re: Elements Mafia Duel by $$$man https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10795.msg132945#msg132945
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2010, 10:47:58 am »
Sounds fun! Im in, Carlos!

Re: Elements Mafia Duel by $$$man https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10795.msg133114#msg133114
« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2010, 06:29:58 pm »
sure ill be in

