Here's the current list:
The living:
1. QuantumT
4. $$$man
5. xdude
6. jamesdyer680
10. nilsieboy
11. ddevans96
19. The dictator
20. vinvick3714
Appawesome, dragonfly, vanilla townie, killed night one.
Legit, guardian angel, 3-shot doctor, lynched day two.
linkcat, anubis, vanilla townie, killed night two.
majofa, phoenix, 1-shot bulletproof, lynched day three.
Dragoon1140, phase spider, vanilla townie, killed night three.
Kuroaitou, emerald dragon, death mafia cop, killed night three.
Mindz, otyugh, 1-shot vigilante, lynched day four.
SteppingStone81, Light dragon, Darkness mafia cop, killed night four.
RavingRabbid, Hematite golem, Vanilla townie, killed night four.
918273645, immortal, 3rd-party survivor, lynched day five.
ji412jo, Black dragon, Darkness mafia godfather, killed night five.
Korugar, Cockatrice, Town mason, killed night five.
Looks like the game has pretty much died though.
In hopes of restarting it...
xdude - 1 (QuantumT)