Here's what happened.
In the start it was me, brion, gl1tch, terro and lets call him bob. the 5fg's.
Terro sent a pm, with a little hitlist, and if we agreed.
I died to an early virus, dont-know-how-he guesses it right twice in a row with that civvy:fg ratio.
So, In the chat I talked to P_R abit, knowing this was off-rules (sorry about that) But as it seemed 2fg's were going out prio/r1, so I wanted to raise some action.
My plan was to give P_R (whom had confessed being a virus) a list of 2ppl, whereas 1was an fg, and 1 was a civvy. This way he would either get 1civvy+1fg, or 2civvy, the choice his. Instea I gave him a 4man list. 3civvy's and 1fg, and I told him that there still was 50/50 (sorry, P_R, just a game, no harsh feelings, right?) So now it was a 25% chance of outing a FG. I told that FG who was a shrieker to go burry, ASAP. This way, P_R could either seppuku and not get an fg, or get 2civvys. And he'd be dead, so he couldnt confess the list or anything. It was a good plan.
Asides from this, we decided KDZ might be a threat with his role and decided to dispose of him (we knew this role due to chat pm's, where his mouth was not that secretive)
suddently chaos erupted, gl1tch acting confused (wich WOULDVE been epic if he was a LONE FG, not while there was 4OTHERS, A TEAM, that might want to cooperate. THIS WONT WORK IF FG's DONT COOPERATE.)
*points at r6 (i thunk) were me, p_r and helios was FG's, and won. epic round, we cooperated greatly.*
So imho, lets wrap this one up, and not be more than 18ppl in a mafia game. just my 2cents, it seemed to get out of control after that. Even tho implosion's miracleously worked, i wont say that Ddevanz was a bad host, he seemed fine to me, but it was chaos from boards-to-pms. Lets just downsize it abit. And run 2 at the time?
I wouldnt blame assman for anything, because if I were given a list of a guy that had 1hitted two FG's, gotten same roles twice, for some reasons, I'd just be drawn to believe it. However I would check this out in some way or another, simply by killing one and see what happened. If it proves that it was a fg, i'd try again, if it worked, i'd go public with it. Its a way to win, still is a game.
Since people all know eachothers secondary roles, and many posted that they are civvy, this can be combined to find the remaining fg, kinda sux. End game plix