After giversgivealot's brave self-sacrifice, everyone's spirits were up. Everyone was ravenous. Everyone thought they had the world in their hands - They were ready to kill someone else. At the town assembly, everyone spiritedly voiced their opinions and their suspicions. However, one person had slept in. The assembly decided to kill them. They gathered up their torches, and began to rally and strengthen their resolve. Shouts of "Lets kill the damn fake god!" and "That bastard is going down!" echoed through the town as they marched to Essence's house. They set fire to the base of the house, and the flames soon engulfed it. Woken by the noise and the heat, Essence rushed downstairs only to find his door aflame and his only other exit, a window, guarded. He ran to the second floor and jumped out of a high window, only to have his skull split by the impact. Realizing that a fake god could have easily avoided such a circumstance, everyone started to realize they had made a grave error.
Essence was a civilian and a village idiot.
That night, it rained. And it rained hard. Soon a massive flood formed and ravaged the town. No one could sleep. Everyone was too fearful of the ominous deluge. Around the home of irulegravity, the water seemed to take a life of its own - literally. Soon the water formed into the shape of a massive golem, which promptly smashed through irulegravity's window and fired ice bolts at him. Wounded, irulegravity reached for his medical supplies - but the golem took them and carried them out the window, leaving them awash in the flood. With irulegravity injured and frozen, the golem sealed the deal by drowning him.
irulegravity was the doctor and a con artist.
Day two begins now.