What's the bloop issue? (Reading the flurry of posts at stay of day phase leaves me a bit uncertain about the issue at hand there)
read the thread
10\10 should have shot you (too) where's Oa? My current "town block" is kae and Oa (including myself obviously) so 8 have great interest on seeing where his head is at now...
He's here... exhausted after yet another long day of travel. I'll leave mechanical stuff to you guys, you seem to have a better grasp of that than me. I also don't have any info other than my two shots have been used on Naii and kdz, so I don't really feel like engaging in role shenanigans
What's the bloop issue? (Reading the flurry of posts at stay of day phase leaves me a bit uncertain about the issue at hand there)
Poke claims his abilities failed, but unless kae or serprex RB'd him, this isn't possible. He says he used Bloop to protect serprex, but as we know, serprex died anyway.
Enlighten me, please. I've been following this thread rather loosely the last 24 hours - what happens if serp confirmes no roleblock? If kae and www3 are the mafia, wouldn't they by then (after mass roleclaim by everyone except those three iirc?) know that Poke can bloop -> roleblock Poke to stop serp protection -> make sure cop dies? serp/rob wakey wakey
Other than that I can provide my current readlist, with townread --> scumread:
kaempfer (wild theory above, w/w with www3? Someone debunk pls)
Assuming Pokechu will target www3 to save themselves, www3 is currently dead which.. I'm fine with. MW being lower on my list than everyone else's simply is due to my gut - the same gut that got kdz killed. sky is one of the purest null reads I've ever had.
www3 (3) - Rob, skyironsword, PlayerOa
Poke (3) - MasterNoob, www3, kaempfer13