Obviously my opinion on ftw is a bit skewed, since im one of the two names realistically on that chopping block (since I doubt oa would kill himself/rob) So lets start with some basic facts
There are 9 people left in this game. Lets assume that doc is mafia/fails to protect the nk target/ forgets how to type and fails to send in a use. NK goes through and we are at 8. Both Vig shots fire and we fail on both we are at 6, a 3/3 and we just lose. For this reason, I think we should only fire one vig shot unless we are ABSOLUTELY sure about our targets. Luckily it seems like we dont have worry about someone dying to rock paper scissors since no one has claimed to be targeted by it (I think thats how the ability works yeah? Daytime target and then nighttime deathmatch? Please correct if wrong im still an idiot lmao) I'm honestly really worried at least one of the vig shots is mafia, and in that case if the town fires and misses, we just lose if mafia fires.
In my eyes, if were going to have someone shoot, it should be someone we trust to at least fire as a town. Unfortunately, we dont know who trident is (For good reason mind you, we dont need another dead doc) So for me, the only viable shooter is OA, and while to you all he has two targets, for me it comes down to if I think poke town. I'm not sure if I can confidently say one way or the other, they still exist as a sort of blank slate to me.
I really need to sit down with some paper and try to play out each scenario over dinner tonight, but I dont really have a great answer for you right now rob, but I'll spend some time and try to get rationalize a better one. I guess the first course of action is to figure out how many shots we want to fire, and the likelihood of at least one of those shots being mafia/hitting a mafia with the town shot and try to form a plan of action from there.