Hi guys! Power still out

But thats okay, I'm here to post, but I'll have to keep it a lil brief. (Plus I found my backup phone battery, so I guess I got that going for me)
Serp - Silent Stalker Info, curtesy of torb
Rob - By Virtue of Serp
PlayerOa - Feels like typical Oa stuff. I haven't seen anything overtly out of place, and I agree with most of their points. Namely their concern over poke (And confusion over the rules heh. I confess, theres so much /happening/ I'm so used to the simple Wolf+Cop+Doc set up. I think I'm getting the hang of it though)
kaempfer13 - Is just doing kae stuff I guess? Lynch logs and etc. Quelled some bloodlust, trying to solve, etc. Not sure if I agree with their thoughts on the vig shots, but I at least understand it.
skyironsword - Mainly just confused on this one, spends 10 posts talking about confirming aqua, then hard claims not aqua, I just dont get the point of asking so often. It feels like they just get stuck on these rabbit holes or pipe dreams and drives a conversation around those ideas. If it pays off, they'll quickly move up but for now I cant tell if its not just a distraction/nonsense. I feel like I need to sit down and just reread their messages in the context of the information thats been revealed.
MW - hasn't actively thrown yet. Can't tell if thats a good or bad sign. Looking forward to the excitement if that changes though ;P.
andretimpa - Hasn't spoken much of value Post Torb/Serp. I'd love to get some more from them, esp considering they have 0 people at n- who arent either dead or conf town, so obv the readlist is out of date. This one is the most volatile in N.
W3 - As usual, I disagree with just about everything they say and do. I cant tell if its just that we have opposite playstyles, or I just cant follow w3's logic but my gut screams sus. Only at n- to account for any bias in terms of playstyle, but its hard when I disagree with just about every single post.
Poke - Talks about catching up, but has not posted much of substance. I'd love to have more to go on. I'm not sure if its pressure thats needed to get more out, or simply time.
My Lynch order currently is W3 -> Poke -> ??? (if I HAD to include N - MW->Sky->Timpa)
This ??? is mainly because of the ambiguity surrounding timpa atm for me.
If I were to ask for a plan of action, I would want a new read list from timpa to start. I'd like poke to be an actual player rather then just slipping under the radar (Big talk from me eh?). I'd like MW to spend a minute reading the rules so we don't have to policy lynch them (As someone who is perpetually confused, being so only gets you so far.) I'd like sky to make sense to me. Lastly I'd really just like to see more from rob I know youre just finding the time to play (And already a conf town ;p go you) so don't think this is a chastisement, the last day has been great i'm just eager to get more.
Also as I said, this is mobile, I can develop more if needed and again, open to discussion/questions/prodding, but patience please
Also Also, can we PLEASE not shorten day phases/night phases? I can concede the night phase shorten I guess but the 2 days really helps me have enough time to read everything, since my free time is so damn chaotic.