Total Members Voted: 14
Voting closed: August 12, 2021, 05:20:11 pm
Confirmed town: SubmachineProbably town: shockcannonProbably mafia: worldwideweb3, PlayerOa, antiaverage, andretimpa, Naii_the_Baf, rob77dp, killsdazombies, TheonlyrealBeef, MasterWalksConfirmed mafia: serprex, kaempfer13
Only a mafia member would care about ability mechanics other than their own. kaempfer also mafia, quote me.
-snip-I think I missed the part where sub got confirmed?
@sky good thing Sub and Torb havent discussed mechanics yet (which is odd actually, they are usually interested in that stuff)
btw is bloob a hybrid defensive/investigative or only 1 of the two?
Night 0 has ended.