(n-/w?) Naii - That readlist is pretty incomplete and it just looks like he's trying to agree with the general consensus. Says he'll vote after w3 gives him an answer. Vote only comes after MN presures for more votes (suggesting he'd move the vote), 5 hours after w3 gave him his answer (even tho he was online multiple times after that). In particular I'm calling major BS on this
I'd vote math here, if only to pressure him to speak, but being 2 hours to EOD I'd rather not have tied wagons.
I confront him a bit about that, and am ignored.
If I look like I'm online it doesn't mean I'm actively looking at this thread. I have this thread open in my phone and the browser resets every so often (my phone runs out of memory and cedes the browser's), so it looks like I'm online for a bit. I wasn't available from my readslist until a bit before I made my previous post, and even then I wasn't available for too long at that time. I was available 8 hours ago, but not 7. It may be a Saturday but I also have something else to do other than mafia.
Also, MW's post has nothing to do with my vote appearing; I would have cast it there anyways as soon as I came back to check on mafia and read what had been posted. It just so happens that I came back after MW's post.
Incomplete readslist is because I have absolutely either too little or nothing for whoever isn't in that list. TorB gets "null read" because I did put some thought into what he's said so far and got nothing indicative of alignment. If you want me to stash the people I skipped somewhere, then consider them in n leaning towards n-. It is my mistake to not include this but might as well clear it up now.