Total Members Voted: 12
Voting closed: September 18, 2020, 08:09:08 pm
Hello, I wanted to pop in before i have the ability to be more active and reflect upon all that has happened, but I was Firefly Queen on MW last night and I got a message back saying something like Fly on the Wall.
Quote from: Coffeeditto on August 27, 2020, 10:58:10 pmHello, I wanted to pop in before i have the ability to be more active and reflect upon all that has happened, but I was Firefly Queen on MW last night and I got a message back saying something like Fly on the Wall.Dragonfly has the ability of "Fly on the Wall". I was Dragonfly last night
Ah, okay, yes. I'm a little confused though, I was under the impression dragonfly was slower than Anubis. I guess "regardless of priority" means dragonfly is actually first in priority rather than "regardless off the order they happened". Seems weird but okay.
In layman's terms, Anubis is faster than dragonfly therefore I shouldn't have seen you use your ability.
Did you catch a firefly then, mw?