Alright I’m pretty sure there’s exactly 1 mafia between Naesala, Coffeeditto, and killzdazombies. The other 1 is among the rest.
In case I die I’ll post my read list and I would suggest voting out kaempf first because he’s a noob and the mere sight of him will make the rest of you noobs as well.
shockcannon - if I’m mafia, you all have already lost. Also I would never kill off TheonlyrealNoob. I’d leave him, kaempf, and MW until the very end when it’s 4 of us going into the night phase. This is when they realize I’m actually the mafia. And then I high roll otyugh like the skilled mafia player I am and slice and dice torb and MW, leaving kaempf alone in the village with only me to talk to. After which he will inevitably decide to lynch himself, and that’s how I win. Also while I’m ranting let me talk about how cowardly this mafia Anubis is. I know one of you is lying and trying to hide and you’re lucky you’ve gotten away so far. But don’t think for one minute you’re safe. I’m coming for you to teach you how a real mafia Anubis does things. And that’s claim Anubis and say out loud that you targeted Andre. You think I’m 2x master of fire because I hide my decks and strays from my opponent. No I shove it in their face and crush them anyways like the noob they are. Imagine worrying about torb so much that you kill him off N1 and then have to use Anubis to secure kills. Lame. Lame. Lame. This game is about to end because I finally have a useful role. And if you’re worried then go ahead and kill me tonight. I know you won’t because you’re too scared about my cryptic message. Maybe I rolled seraph. Maybe I rolled angel. Well I’ll tell you exactly what I rolled. I rolled unlimited power and I’m going to shove it up your Anubis until you you’re immaterial from the pain because all your nerves are gone. In fact, you never even had nerves to begin with. So goodluck. Go ahead. Kill me, this is your last chance before I rally the other town noobs in this game and lead them to victory.
Calindu - almost put him in W but I realized I have nothing. Honestly, not worth wasting oxygen discussing Calindu. I’d recommend letting this creature stick around while ignoring any sounds that come out. If we reach Lynch or Lose, this is our target.
kaempfer13 - super sus. Unusual play. Tunneling on lynching me early. Questionable momentum usage on Andre. If mafia and left alone, then very dangerous due to his control over conversation
andretimpa - last time I thought he was town because he almost died by lynch day 1. This time I’m not falling for that trap. Easily had his mafia buddy give him immaterial. Questionable for other reasons I won’t share yet.
Naesala - classic noob pretending to be pro acting as noob but still actually noob because I can see right through the disguise. Flies under the radar and gets away with very questionable night action usage. Like highly questionable.
PlayerOa - claims Anubis. Posts too many read lists, when read lists are essentially useless in a fate egg game.
Coffeeditto - You’re really good at always seeming suspicious. Sometimes you talk a lot and sometimes you don’t. You gotta pick a style and go with it. Like kaempf picks the noob route, Nae picks the naive route, Torb picks the detective route, and MW picks the living meme route. You gotta choose. Lack of choice is simply the choice of the I’m always suspicious route.
Kdz - “I used divine shield.”