Well, Endow hits before nightkill so might be worth it for the Nymph to claim. The scenarios with Crusader and Angel are as following (with the underlying base that the roles are in the hand of town, ofc):
1) Both Crusader & Angel exists: Doc and Crusader on GN, and we have a permanent, incognito GN
2) Crusader exists but not Angel: Crusader gets GN with the likely scenario that the original GN dies. One vanilla Egg dies for a permanent GN, seems reasonable to me
3) Crusader does not exist but Angel does: Angel heals GN so he can't die and we get 1 confirmed affinity. This is what likely would have happened anyway, unless scum lucked out and blindly hit GN (hi w3

4) Neither Crusader nor Angel exists: GN sails up as a likely NK, which is pretty lame. But scum might be paranoid there is an angel alive, dunno
Scum faking GN might prove to be trouble, but I feel like that's a somewhat risky move, drawing so much attention. I'm just brainstorming at this phase. But I feel like scenarios 1&2 look town-positive in my eyes, scenario 3 is neutral and scenario 4 is scum-positive, so all in all the odds should be in our favour.