There's a lot of people who aren't talking and that's allowing things like Anubis to go off safely and hidden. I will acknowledge that it's technically possible I was Anubis and gave andre immortality, but I'm hoping someone can confirm me with their info. I was psion this past night, and looking to confirm a couple theories I had.
Also @Oa:
I actually think we definitely should go on a witch hunt. It's very possible if everyone shares their info we can catch someone in a lie or maybe even flat out find the mafia Anubis. Right now there are 4 possible candidates:
1.) myself. I could be faking my role and saying my ability failed when in reality I'm just the Anubis
2.) andre. He could be lying about his visit and gave himself immortality
3.) kaempf. He said he targeted andre.
4.) someone else.
Options 2 and 3 seem unlikely and very risky on the respective players parts' UNLESS there's some mafia on mafia interactions going on.
Option 1 I obviously know to be 100% false but I suppose I currently have no alibi from anyone else.
Option 4 seems likely, and we need to get people to start talking.
Also @kaempf:
Now that we've made it past two nights I'll have you know my role from night 1 is hidden in one of my first couple posts. I don't remember which one and I don't feel like checking. Probably won't convince you of anything, but it's there for anyone else. Probably irrelevant anyways because it's still quite likely that kaempf's ability just failed because of the double devour situation.
Spoiler for dontread:
I think I've caught a major slip up by a certain a player. I need the next night to confirm something though. If I find what I'm looking for I should have this game solved the following day.
You better get me lynched today or kill me the next night otherwise the

will burn brightly and its fuel will be you.