[2020-06-02 14:32:45] killsdazombies: Hey ian
[2020-06-02 14:32:54] iancudorinmarian: hey
[2020-06-02 14:33:56] killsdazombies: When this is all over I really want some insight into the www3 thing, obv nothing now but it would be cool understand the mafia perspective of n0
[2020-06-02 14:34:11] iancudorinmarian: Sure
[2020-06-02 14:34:27] iancudorinmarian: I could even tell you right now if you want to
[2020-06-02 14:34:39] killsdazombies: Nah, I wouldnt believe it anyway
[2020-06-02 14:34:39] TheonlyrealBeef: That seems more like something fun than strategic if you ask me

[2020-06-02 14:35:07] iancudorinmarian: We picked w3 on a hunch
[2020-06-02 14:35:30] iancudorinmarian: You can't get more strategic than that with NK on N0
[2020-06-02 14:35:48] worldwideweb3: ‹@killsdazombies› is it really that hard? you obvs go for the best player and thats what they did :facepalm:
[2020-06-02 14:36:01] killsdazombies: Thats fair www3

[2020-06-02 14:36:15] iancudorinmarian: We picked the most annoying player
[2020-06-02 14:36:24] killsdazombies: #roasted
[2020-06-02 14:36:48] TheonlyrealBeef: Wouldn't you want to keep those around to mess with town?
[2020-06-02 14:37:39] killsdazombies: Torb, when im mafia I usually just kill whoever I like the most
[2020-06-02 14:37:52] killsdazombies: Sends a message
[2020-06-02 14:38:19] iancudorinmarian: Don't worry townies, w3 would've been a terrible GN
[2020-06-02 14:38:23] killsdazombies: Feels fun to N0 your friend and then make eye contact as you put your head up to kill someone good
[2020-06-02 14:38:26] iancudorinmarian: We made you all a favour
[2020-06-02 14:42:19] PlayerOa: @kdz there is a dead player pad
[2020-06-02 14:42:42] iancudorinmarian: The legends are true PogChamp
[2020-06-02 14:42:43] killsdazombies: AWESOME
[2020-06-02 14:42:46] killsdazombies: Kill me now
[2020-06-02 14:42:56] killsdazombies: uhhhh I lied, ian is actually GN
[2020-06-02 14:43:09] iancudorinmarian: No, I choose death
[2020-06-02 14:43:09] PlayerOa: Does that mean the host wins?
[2020-06-02 14:43:18] rob77dp: host never wins, silly Oa
[2020-06-02 14:43:20] killsdazombies: The host never wins silly
[2020-06-02 14:43:22] killsdazombies: LMAO
[2020-06-02 14:43:26] iancudorinmarian: Bastard mod wins
[2020-06-02 14:43:27] killsdazombies: Rob, i love you
[2020-06-02 14:43:33] PlayerOa: :cwy:
[2020-06-02 14:43:47] rob77dp: kdz - start the club!

Spoiler for Hidden:
[2020-06-02 14:44:18] rob77dp: I once played a game of mafia so bastard you wouldn't believe if I described it
[2020-06-02 14:44:23] killsdazombies: will do rob
[2020-06-02 14:44:34] killsdazombies: Dude, same
[2020-06-02 14:44:38] killsdazombies: I can be vicious in the right group
[2020-06-02 14:44:40] rob77dp: and also once played in a three-faction game (not here) that ended in a legit DRAW/tie/stalemate
[2020-06-02 14:44:50] killsdazombies: Once I did something kinda scummy though
[2020-06-02 14:45:09] killsdazombies: I Mk'd myself so town couldnt lynch me and they could actually lynch someone useful
[2020-06-02 14:45:12] killsdazombies: >,>
[2020-06-02 14:45:15] killsdazombies: Im not proud of that one
[2020-06-02 14:45:22] killsdazombies: well, I threatened to
[2020-06-02 14:45:27] iancudorinmarian: lol
[2020-06-02 14:45:28] rob77dp: bastard meaning... not mean/vicious/aggressive but as in unrelated or not born of a "real" mafia game :-s
[2020-06-02 14:45:35] killsdazombies: ahhhh
[2020-06-02 14:46:19] killsdazombies: We were playing with in person cards, and I was being a little TOO chaotic (IE Seconding every single accusation, just trying to be scummy af) and I finally had a line on the whole mafia group, but they were leading the charge on me
[2020-06-02 14:46:32] killsdazombies: so I said Id rather flip my card here and now so we could actually accomplish something today
[2020-06-02 14:46:47] killsdazombies: I was uhhh a little drunk at the time
[2020-06-02 14:46:52] rob77dp: :awesome: heh
[2020-06-02 14:46:55] killsdazombies: >,>
[2020-06-02 14:47:22] killsdazombies: I really hope my convention doesnt get canceled this year
[2020-06-02 14:47:27] killsdazombies: and by that I mean I hope this virus is over by then
[2020-06-02 14:47:32] rob77dp: this other game... well, it has a Serial Killer role (un-aligned faction of 1)
[2020-06-02 14:47:41] killsdazombies: I love that role
[2020-06-02 14:47:48] rob77dp: a secret unrevealed small quantity faction that converts
[2020-06-02 14:48:00] rob77dp: a town faction, regular town with some various town roles and such
[2020-06-02 14:48:07] rob77dp: a mafia faction
[2020-06-02 14:48:25] rob77dp: and if I recall correctly some sort of weird alter-faction unrelated to the above
[2020-06-02 14:48:30] killsdazombies: Oh so like a vampire/Werewolf
[2020-06-02 14:48:42] killsdazombies: Or something like that, I've played something similar
[2020-06-02 14:48:48] rob77dp: flip reveal modifying aspects
[2020-06-02 14:48:57] rob77dp: that is, a scum player flips and looks green, for the next day phase
[2020-06-02 14:49:10] DoubleCapitals: green as in
[2020-06-02 14:49:11] DoubleCapitals: town?
[2020-06-02 14:49:16] rob77dp: closed setup too, so going in the 20-some of us playing only knew a very small fraction of this outrageious stuff
[2020-06-02 14:49:33] rob77dp: yes DC - a non town player flipped GREEN when killed during the night
[2020-06-02 14:49:52] rob77dp: after end of the next day/night cycle the old post revealing that player's death changed to red and their actual non-town role/faction
[2020-06-02 14:49:55] rob77dp:

[2020-06-02 14:50:13] killsdazombies: I cant tell if that sounds awesome or awful
[2020-06-02 14:50:16] DoubleCapitals: oops
[2020-06-02 14:50:17] killsdazombies: Im leaning on awful rn
[2020-06-02 14:50:21] DoubleCapitals: isn't that a bit bastard
[2020-06-02 14:50:31] rob77dp: I don't regret participating
[2020-06-02 14:50:40] rob77dp: but if I knew going in what I know now I wouldn't sign up
[2020-06-02 14:50:44] DoubleCapitals: sounds like death miller which is a kinda
[2020-06-02 14:50:46] DoubleCapitals: touchy topic
[2020-06-02 14:50:53] DoubleCapitals: not here but elsewhere
[2020-06-02 14:51:01] rob77dp: it was def touchy in that game as things unfolded
[2020-06-02 14:51:24] rob77dp: I've been peeked red by real town cop when I am town before in a game as well >.< that was REALLY aggrevating.
[2020-06-02 14:51:56] DoubleCapitals: if i do go through with my closed
[2020-06-02 14:52:03] DoubleCapitals: I promise no lying about cop reports
[2020-06-02 14:52:08] DoubleCapitals: and no faction flips
[2020-06-02 14:54:10] DoubleCapitals: I should vote serp now
[2020-06-02 14:54:14] DoubleCapitals: for shits and giggles
[2020-06-02 14:55:39] killsdazombies: Side note I wish shock would shit post here instead of in thread
[2020-06-02 14:55:45] killsdazombies: Would be much easier to shitpost back
[2020-06-02 14:56:08] iancudorinmarian: Imagine reading shock's posts
[2020-06-02 14:56:28] DoubleCapitals: im still salty he got a more fun role than me
[2020-06-02 14:56:30] DoubleCapitals: i want a refund
[2020-06-02 14:56:32] DoubleCapitals: :^)
[2020-06-02 14:56:44] killsdazombies: I like shitposts ian
[2020-06-02 14:56:59] iancudorinmarian: Oa bastard mod, he gave me Squid
[2020-06-02 14:57:03] killsdazombies: and dc, well, i hate to break it to you, but you might be returned to sender tonight >,>
[2020-06-02 14:57:07] iancudorinmarian: Which is unusable
[2020-06-02 14:57:15] killsdazombies: I was actually really really worried about squid
[2020-06-02 14:57:22] iancudorinmarian: Because you get lynched the moment you use it
[2020-06-02 14:57:44] killsdazombies: Mafia squid could cause Lynch or Lose to happen a day in advance without anyone knowing it
[2020-06-02 14:57:56] DoubleCapitals: so can Oty/Toadfish
[2020-06-02 14:57:59] iancudorinmarian: That was the plan
[2020-06-02 14:58:01] DoubleCapitals: and they're more fun
[2020-06-02 14:58:14] DoubleCapitals: ‹@killsdazombies› no u
[2020-06-02 14:58:14] iancudorinmarian: But yeah, it's worse oty/toad
[2020-06-02 14:58:17] DoubleCapitals: no us
[2020-06-02 14:58:21] killsdazombies: Yeah but squid is more fun imo
[2020-06-02 14:58:34] PlayerOa: ‹@iancudorinmarian› <3 you too
[2020-06-02 14:58:40] killsdazombies: You get to publicly stand up and tell everyone they lost to their face
[2020-06-02 14:58:48] killsdazombies: then NK someone
[2020-06-02 14:58:54] killsdazombies: Its the ultimate gloat role
[2020-06-02 14:59:13] iancudorinmarian: Then random angel/warden
[2020-06-02 14:59:19] iancudorinmarian: And you're fked
[2020-06-02 14:59:41] killsdazombies: I originally was hoping for Mafia/Splatoon
[2020-06-02 15:00:04] killsdazombies: We could have traded lives ian
[2020-06-02 15:00:10] killsdazombies: It would have been wonderful
[2020-06-02 15:00:20] DoubleCapitals: can y'all dance in my coffin in my honour
[2020-06-02 15:00:23] iancudorinmarian: You chose to live
[2020-06-02 15:00:36] killsdazombies: I can do a mean grave waltz dc
[2020-06-02 15:00:44] PlayerOa:
[2020-06-02 15:00:48] killsdazombies: Life is not a choice ian, but a curse
[2020-06-02 15:01:03] killsdazombies: and Im happy to free you of yours
[2020-06-02 15:01:04] iancudorinmarian: RIP
[2020-06-02 15:02:23] PlayerOa: YESS iancu that's some quality death post
[2020-06-02 15:02:55] DoubleCapitals: Oa hasn't told me I'm dying
[2020-06-02 15:02:58] DoubleCapitals: I live, biotch
[2020-06-02 15:03:00] DoubleCapitals: :^)
[2020-06-02 15:03:11] killsdazombies: Sad days
[2020-06-02 15:03:14] killsdazombies: I mean uhh
[2020-06-02 15:03:16] killsdazombies: good news DC!
[2020-06-02 15:03:21] PlayerOa: ‹@iancudorinmarian› PMed you dead pad
[2020-06-02 15:04:23] DoubleCapitals: ‹@PlayerOa› boo, you whore

[2020-06-02 15:05:07] worldwideweb3: ;shouldve made night a day shorter instead of a day longer

[2020-06-02 15:10:28] DoubleCapitals: ‹@killsdazombies› aw
[2020-06-02 15:10:32] DoubleCapitals: looks like i die after all
[2020-06-02 15:10:56] PlayerOa: Also someone post this chatlog
[2020-06-02 15:11:07] PlayerOa: Whenever it ends, ofc

[2020-06-02 15:11:09] rob77dp: you're not my boss!
[2020-06-02 15:11:23] rob77dp: wait, sort of you are I guess
[2020-06-02 15:11:30] PlayerOa: Wanna get modkilled?
[2020-06-02 15:11:35] PlayerOa: :whistling:
[2020-06-02 15:12:15] iancudorinmarian: Try modkilling me, you bastard mod!
[2020-06-02 15:13:10] PlayerOa: I lowkey should have done 1 minute before deadline
[2020-06-02 15:14:38] killsdazombies: I just dont want to do the effort
[2020-06-02 15:14:42] killsdazombies: What should I make for food
[2020-06-02 15:14:48] killsdazombies: Or should I order out