[14:12:14] ‹DoubleCapitals› ‹@rob77dp› not allowed to say that?
[14:12:15] ‹DoubleCapitals› sorry
[14:12:17] ‹DoubleCapitals› it was a joke
[14:12:34] PlayerOa joined.
[14:12:45] ‹killsdazombies› I've been trying myself to see where the line is
[14:12:47] ‹killsdazombies› cause man
[14:12:51] ‹killsdazombies› I JUST WANNA TALK
[14:13:03] ‹killsdazombies› Chat room is so much easier for me to communicate than in thread
[14:13:14] ‹killsdazombies› Mostly because I can shitpost more easily
[14:13:21] ‹TheonlyrealBeef› As long as you copy/paste chat logs you can fill chat with mafia talk.
[14:13:33] ‹TheonlyrealBeef› And try not to involve dead players

[14:13:46] ‹MasterWalks› uh
[14:13:49] ‹MasterWalks› are you sure?
[14:13:52] ‹PlayerOa› ^ no rules against mafia talk here, unlike last mafia
[14:13:59] ‹Calindu› We can do that, chat was used so much in mafia 71
[14:14:17] ‹Calindu› EoD was so much better and funnier in chat
[14:14:18] ‹killsdazombies› Once in a game of in person mafia, I just responded to every question i didn't want to answer with "Sorry I'm deaf"
[14:14:20] ‹PlayerOa› I’m surprised it hasnt been more in use tbh
[14:14:38] ‹killsdazombies› I think its easier to self incriminate in chat
[14:14:39] ‹TheonlyrealBeef› Yeah.
[14:14:40] ‹PlayerOa› Read rules

[14:14:48] ‹worldwideweb3› ‹@MasterWalks› yh
[14:14:58] ‹MasterWalks› lol, well at least the thread hasnt been filled with pages and pages of blab chat like in 71
[14:15:25] andretimpa joined.
[14:15:15] ‹killsdazombies› Plus, no one wants to chat something that could be considered important but not post it chat and get mk'd for it
[14:15:24] ‹killsdazombies› not post in thread***
[14:15:39] ‹andretimpa› what a twist
[14:15:45] ‹worldwideweb3› ‹@PlayerOa› ‹@TheonlyrealBeef› you both are mafia according to my GN ability :angry:
[14:15:58] ‹killsdazombies› Harsh but fair www3
[14:16:02] ‹killsdazombies› How should we proceed
[14:16:08] ‹PlayerOa› ‹@worldwideweb3› Dead players can’t talk :angry:
[14:16:13] ‹killsdazombies› PlayerOa (1) - Killsdazombies
[14:16:29] ‹worldwideweb3› :cry:
[14:16:33] ‹worldwideweb3› :cwy:
[14:16:55] ‹MasterWalks› imagine the shit show if w3 or shock got phoenix
[14:17:01] ‹PlayerOa› As I can’t kill you, my alternative is forcing you to host 74
[14:17:07] ‹PlayerOa› ‹@worldwideweb3› GG PLEB
[14:17:09] ‹Calindu› Tbh, the chat logs were kind of giant in mafia 71
[14:17:22] ‹worldwideweb3› ‹@PlayerOa› yh ive rules where host can play in mafia
[14:17:28] ‹worldwideweb3› im implementing them to allow me to play
[14:17:28] ‹killsdazombies› I'll be honest www3, when you flipped, I think every single person in the game, regardless of primary went "Oh man that sucks for www3"
[14:17:30] ‹Calindu› Very hard to actually keep up or catch up if you weren't there
[14:18:04] ‹killsdazombies› I cackled like a mad man tbf, that shit was hilariously tragic
[14:18:15] ‹TheonlyrealBeef› ‹@killsdazombies› In a sarcastic way?

[14:18:27] ‹killsdazombies› Well, it might have just be me then lmao
[14:18:37] ‹rob77dp› I was upset I somehow missed where he hinted at or softed his role and scum found it to pick him out for NK >.<
[14:18:43] ‹killsdazombies› I hate getting town and then instantly dying
[14:18:47] ‹rob77dp› turns out it seems very likely just a lucky shot in the dark
[14:19:04] PlayerOa left.
[14:18:53] ‹killsdazombies› well rather, getting COP and instantly dying
[14:19:40] ‹worldwideweb3›
(6d10) 5 + 4 + 10 + 10 + 7 + 5 = 41 ...
[14:19:56] andretimpa left.
[14:19:45] ‹killsdazombies› I hosted an in person game of Deathnote mafia, the mafia got the Vig, who didnt shoot, the cop, who had just picked out a mafia, and then the doctor, who had used their one self save the previous night
[14:20:05] ‹killsdazombies› And it was all no reveal, so no one knew JUST how bad they had it
[14:20:17] ‹killsdazombies› They just new X y and z had died
[14:20:21] ‹killsdazombies› knew*
[14:20:53] ‹DoubleCapitals› get fucked
[14:20:55] ‹DoubleCapitals› jkjk
[14:20:56] ‹worldwideweb3› i remember when i was vig in one of the previous mafias and i shot mafia :cool:
[14:21:17] ‹DoubleCapitals› I was pretty fucking salty the last mafia I played before this
[14:21:22] ‹DoubleCapitals› rolled GN
[14:21:32] ‹DoubleCapitals› tunneled someone for NLing
[14:21:40] ‹DoubleCapitals› he was actually maf, maf got scared
[14:21:46] ‹DoubleCapitals› murdered my ass
[14:21:46] ‹Calindu› Wasn't that just the last mafia?
[14:21:49] ‹killsdazombies› Whenever I get Vig in inperson mafia I cover my eyes and point randomly at the side of the room I think is most sus
[14:21:53] ‹DoubleCapitals› my actual report? MKed.
[14:22:18] ‹DoubleCapitals› ‹@Calindu› that was 71 i think... I skipped 72?
[14:22:19] ‹worldwideweb3› possibly
[14:22:35] ‹Calindu› I meant @www3
[14:22:37] ‹killsdazombies› Most hosts dont let me do it, but when I got to my hometown convention and play in my buddies pod he does
[14:22:40] ‹DoubleCapitals› oh, sorry
[14:22:54] ‹Calindu› In mafia 71 MW rolled GN
[14:22:59] ‹worldwideweb3› its been so long ive forgotten
[14:23:25] ‹MasterWalks› rolled mafia first n0 and got paranoid af about getting NK's
[14:23:30] ‹Calindu› I clearly remember someone shooting mafia in mafia 72
[14:23:32] ‹killsdazombies› yeah www3, its been forever since you got to play mafia

[14:23:33] ‹MasterWalks› Nk'd*
[14:23:42] ‹DoubleCapitals› Oh, 70 then...
[14:23:51] ‹DoubleCapitals› 71 I filled in for Sub as backup host
[14:23:54] ‹DoubleCapitals› you could say I
[14:23:55] ‹worldwideweb3› ‹@killsdazombies› :angry:
[14:23:57] ‹DoubleCapitals› Sub-stituted him
[14:24:05] ‹DoubleCapitals› booo
[14:24:13] ‹killsdazombies› Its okay, maybe youll make it past the loading screen next game
[14:24:55] ‹MasterWalks› bruv, how could i be lying
[14:25:03] ‹worldwideweb3› i will, cause im hosting and playing remmeber? so ill make sure i wont die hmph
[14:25:15] ‹killsdazombies› Good plan www3
[14:26:08] ‹killsdazombies› FYI this chatlog is gonna suck shit to read
[14:26:26] ‹killsdazombies› Gl to all you scrubs who have to sift through this
[14:26:44] ‹Calindu› Does this actually have to be posted? There's nothing about this mafia in here I think
[14:26:58] ‹killsdazombies› Well, MW is responding to thread here a little bit
[14:27:09] ‹killsdazombies› and were discussing WWW3s death
[14:27:13] ‹rob77dp› there is some things that really should be in the thread, happening in this chat
[14:27:16] ‹killsdazombies› Its mostly shitposting
[14:27:19] ‹rob77dp› so yeah, log post is I think the right call
[14:27:42] ‹killsdazombies› Gonna post it in 3 so everyone can read it if they want and still have time to talk in thread
[14:28:45] ‹worldwideweb3› 3 seconds? 3 hours? 3 milliseconds? 3 days?
[14:29:08] ‹rob77dp› you forgot minutes
[14:29:56] ‹worldwideweb3› its not an option sorry
[14:30:13] ‹killsdazombies› 3 mins so now