Theory: NK on Torb was to save Calindu, whom we might otherwise go after thinking Cal/Torb w/w
Wouldn't me/TorB being considered w/w be good for mafia, even if I were to be mafia instead of town? I was already being hard considered for the next lynch, and TorB was near unkillable, with only a lynch being the only way to kill him.
Tempting to keep Cal around despite Linkcat saying he gave himself away.
Really not sure what Linkcat meant by that, because like I said, I did the exact same play with me trusting shock and switching votes in mafia 71, where I was town.
Should I claim for realsies though, realise that I won't die until end of N3 so I get to use it 1 more time.
You die next night no matter what, just claim when you can.
Cali did do a very town thing, but we have linkcat condemning them, and some lingering suspicion. I want to see everyone get on and post though before I really start drawing lines in the sand.
Why would I create two unkillable threats for town if I were mafia? Makes no damn sense. If Linkcat condemning me is the only thing that makes you think I'm mafia then I can't do anything that would change your mind.
I have to leave very soon for a bit... but in the meantime -- who was it that posted about reading a scum game of Cal's and finding it felt a lot like he was playing the same way this game??
MW did, mafia 72 is the only game I ever rolled mafia in. But in the meantime, take a look at mafia 71 and you'll see it's pretty much the same too.
I don't understand a state where scum!Cal adrenas town!TorB on N1... right? I was pretty much expecting serp to flip... tried my best to stay out of the way on town plans best I could while also trying to draw a NK attempt. THen in the end it just felt like serp was going to be the flip --- but TorB?!!?
....... or might scum!Cal use an otherwise somewhat not valuable adrena on TorB to test the claims of his grabby/shrieker role and burrow/unburrow status??!?
Why would I risk creating someone who can't be night killed and can only be lynched, when he seems to be trusted by a lot of people, only to test the claim on a graboid role?