Alright, so Im a touch confused by the redoubling on kae.
So, kae is claiming a crusadery boi, but he claims to have not used his ability to try and get a vulture with it. Idk if that alone screams mafia or just a deeply flawed plan, but thats his case, is that correct?
kae is also claiming to be confirmed by shock, but i never quite understood how or why that happened, im sure its buried somewhere in the thread, but if anyone has a basic "this and this" I'd appreciate it
it also seems that that confirmation has shifted uhhh dramatically. Why is that? If its some backroom serp/moe stuff thats fine, but Im just curious how we got here. I knew kae was on the susblock, but this has been... interesting.
Haha, the reason im on the chopping block is because 3+ mafia are putting full effort into it. There is actually a chance im fully confirmed town already (who knows whatshocks doing). Even if not there is sth in my iso thats a deadgiveaway that im town, unfortunately it becomes wifom if im the one to point it out.The reason I was waiting for someone to claim vulture is we have an egg that is not a priority nk and we might have more vultures.also literally any other role is barely more than fluff unless you can catch someone in a lie.
However, this is enough for me rn. Open to change, as im not 100% sold on it, but its probably our most likely wolf atm, even if this is a bit of a bandwagon vote
Annele (4) - rob77dp, Linkcat, DoubleCapitals, iancudorinmarian
kaempfer13 (8) - TheonlyrealBeef, Ge0metry v1.2, andretimpa, Calindu, MasterWalks, shockcannon, serprex, killsdazombies
Linkcat (1) - Annele
side note, ill be gone around EoD tomorrow, so if theres any revaluations, id really prefer if they weren't made during an EoD madness phase.