I'm still forming an opinion on kaemp. On one hand, looking closely at his D1 shows some moves that would imo be bad plays as town (mostly his interactions with MW and torb). However his recent claim about shock's role + shock not even acknowledging it but kaemp still being a town read for shock doesn't add up (unless they are w/w, but that seems a stretch).
I'll post an ISO on him when I get the chance, to articulate what I mean better.
As I promissed at EON, here's kaempf's ISO (what stuck out the most to me - not gonna copy 100+ posts

First his exchange with MW Im just trying to give some stuff for people to work with, and im fairly certain my soft claim could be interpreted into like 3 very different roles. If serp is being truthful, then i have 5 confirmed town which puts me in quite a good position. If i die and my role is revealed, i want at least some good information to be passed on.
I've reread the op 4 times and arrive at the conclusion that there is a grand total of 1 type of (not confirmed dead) town roles that would allow you to mechanically discern shocks alignement while simultaneously not knowing but believing serps claim to be true on n1 .
Ugh, this whole thing is a trainwreck again. Nvm me saying that this could turn out to be easy earlier.
I'm talking about your shock read; fate egg rolling gn is the only option that actually allows you to discern his alignement. If you didnt have that, there is no way your result directly reveals shocks alignement.
(important part in white)
this strikes me as a bad play if kaemp is town, since Fate Egg is not a role you want under the spotlight and even if it were "obvious", make the scum work for it. He continues
as you cant be deja vu with him and not question serps claim as there is only at most one group of deja vus (stated in op)
Serp-I have no reason to not believe his coded message
Moe- See serp
i simply have no reason not to believe him. And your role read on me tells me i did on okay job at my soft claim.
I also don't like the vibes off shock's messages but its strictly a gut feel.
This is a totally normal gut feeling with everything shock says both in and outside of mafia. Dont look into what he says too hard or youll descend in madness. I think i can speak for the majority when i say that.
Just to be sure, I want you to know that a psion getting a guardian angel result doesnt mean anything about the targets alignement. I'm a little concerned this might be going on, as people wrongly assuming such let to mobian living as mafia much longer than he should've in the mafia game before I started playing.
same argument as before, psion is not as much of a big deal, but giving ideas to mafia to check if shock is GA is also a bad move. (tho this one doesn't even add up, as GA wouldn't allow shock to make a read of kaemp)
After this MW gets kaemp to drop the subject. Nevertheless, kaemp gets to this conclusion
so basically we regard moe, shock, serp as confirmed and either watch in horror as the mafia kills them 1 by 1 or try to solve the game while they are still around. Pretty wastefull to make that public this early, but it does make our PoE a lot smaller.
The next weird bit is this exchange
My flip on shock and kae is a result of me rereading roles and which ones are faster. In fact, after getting a mod question answered, my town read on shock has lessened and my town read on kaempf has improved.
MW gets to the conclusion that his claims were softer than expected
shock, I'm pretty sure I understood what you are trying to tell me before you made that post; i just dont want to make a big deal out of it unless i have to.
MW, there is sth really weird about what you last said and what i think shock has been doing; check again which roles can target who.
MW, there is a chance shock didnt target me after all
The message that called more my attention is this last one. I'm having a really hard time trying to parse it, but I don't see what wolf!kaemp would be trying to accomplish here (since the shock claim would be beneficial to him, why discredit it?). It might be kaemp trying to throw shade at shock to get a misslynch and consolidate himself as townie, but that seems like an overoptimistic plan on his part to me (and requires shock to have missplayed).
MW is not amused by these messages
MW, there is a chance shock didnt target me after all
ok. I didnt think i implied he did. im just comfortable believing his townreads atm.
I hope this means you understand?
Nope. Dont understand. Dont know what im supposed to be trying to understand.
I thought the speed of my role was different. I double chekced, asked a question, and now i understand it. I falsely made a pretty hard claim earlier in my reads regarding you and shock. Now that i know my roles speed, i explained honestly and back peddled on my claims as shown here:
My flip on shock and kae is a result of me rereading roles and which ones are faster. In fact, after getting a mod question answered, my town read on shock has lessened and my town read on kaempf has improved.
Now im not GN obv so im not 100% sure you are town, and frankly, your short cryptic messages and role reading me are making me feel less confident about my read on you.
His direct reply
Ok, I give up trying to parse this. the reason I'm being so cryptic is because I don't want more roles to be revealed (you pretty much revealed what your role does, so no use trying to hide it now (I'm by no means encouraging a full claim)) and one of the following things happened:
- I missunderstood shock
- You missunderstood your role (tbf you pretty much admit to that)
- You missunderstood shocks role
After this MW switches his vote to kaemp, serp follows suit
I was gonna include his exchanges with torb, but the part that is in D1 is not as spread out (and is still developping apparently) - so I'd rather get some sleep.
Regarding his N1 posts, this one intrigued me
Alright shock its probably time to make it official, I'm 90% sure you are an egg that gned me n1 (and disguised it as an angel soft so that I wouldnt die).
To the people suggesting to eat me before shock you are either stupid or sus. Town!shock would be gamethrowing the way he played if I were mafia, so if he flips town you should be really sad if i died earlier.
My Link tunnel deepens, as I am getting the feeling he knew this, but suggested eating me anyway.
mostly because shock didn't reacted to it. This is one thing I don't see wolf!kaemp doing, unless shock/kaemp are w/w (but then again, this would be an exceedingly dangerous plan)
In a vacuum these look either like kaemp is scum and is slipping in some parts or he's town and needs to learn to be a bit more discrete. (around n-). However together with the EOD it makes him my strongest scum lean.
I'll be doing Anelle tomorrow (should be quicker at least).