Sh**, I almost forgot about deadline >_>
Because of the whole I don't check my role ordeal, I doubt I was a primary healing target, so I want to dump some guidance in case I bite the dust. 
- Just because someone attracts a bunch of attention, that does not equal lynch target. Activity leads to more activity. Punishment of activity is bad. Because of this, even if rob or Link say something outrageous, keep them alive please. They are most likely town if they are active, anyway.
- Put up an RQS about how others behave when they are mafia, and ask them to provide examples. This is a good way to spot some dishonest players, or it brings attention to some stuff that puts pressure on Mafs.
- Focus on how much the others try to solve, and in the end, put a higher Town lean on people with higher solve rate, or people with more posts in general.
Bad parts in yellow.
I agree with the bad classification. In addition both players are good enough to keep their post counts high enough as mafia. But generally we want activity as town. Although, I am not helping myself.
I ate a ZERO poster. Not low activity, not annoying bravado poster, not joke poster, not power poster, you get the point maybe... Also, I tend to be a high profile personality in elements mafia games (or I guess used to be...) so I never presume to survive a night when I have no defensive assurances... As fate would have it it seems I had nothing to worry about (is it a BIT egotistical to snipe N0 - maybe, but it was not a YOLO and was not sketchy). Not to me at least.
Well, yeah, I dislike the play a lot. After the initial annoyance now mainly because of the belief that 'inactive town = dead town'.
A question came to my mind: Why haven't Coffee used Divine Shield on the first night?
I prepared a whole train of thought, collected a bunch of quotes, but then I realized the answer to my question is simple, so all that was for nothing.
Coffee did not use Divine Shield to protect himself, because he has not been online since signups. That is also why he hasn't posted.
I agree with promoting activity and discouraging inactivity, yet I cannot stop feeling conflicted.
I would have waited at least until the next night.
Do I think rob is Mafia? For two reasons, no.
- I performed a Night 1 shot as Town in Mafia 50. I can relate.
- This bold stunt is not something an organized mafia would ever DARE to do in this community. And if rob would be part of it, it would be organized mafia.
1. To be fair, there was a mafia egging you on to make that kill. 
2. He absolutely would, see my reasoning earlier. He won't get lynched for it.
At least not Day 1 or 2. Neither would he later on if he gets confirmed as Fate Egg. Nelly and Andre were a bit too quick for my liking with posting this theory publicly.

Alright guys, this is getting boring. Geo, kdz, calin, shock, Annele, moe, you guys all have less than 5 posts. You're hurting town. I'm going to need all of you to vote on your strongest scumread and give reasoning. And no, saying you don't have any reads yet is not helpful. Look deeper.
iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
Reasoning given in a previous post.
See, it's that easy. Now, I'm going to go to sleep soon, and I want to see a lot more than 3 votes when I wake up. Then I'll decide who we're lynching.
I don't have any reads yet. I struggle to make uninformed decisions but understand the importance and also not to bandwagon other people's thoughts.
Also, that last sentence reads weirdly. Does this fall into the category of Link's humour? O R C H E S T R A T E !
Shock is playing as his own faction again...
iancudorinmarian (1) - serprex
Sub (1) - rob77dp
rob77dp (1) - Linkcat
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
throwing my vote here then until MW responds to him seemingly FoSing ian (the gaslight comment) for what I can tell was just N0 banter
All I hope is MasterWalks doesn't get some blocking ability again and spams it for no reason 
I think ian is gaslighting here. He is trying to get me to tunnel on him. People wont believe me if i say to lynch him since they will think its because of this comment. This is sketchy.
lol i dont have scum read on ian, just giving banter back.
First reading this left me with a sketchy feeling. I feel much more ambiguous now but still don't like the fact it is a topic. Fortunately, this has dies down now.
Scum reading torb is wrong. His decision making here matches his deck picking style in matches: play standard & consistent, leaving it to his opponent to start making things weird & only outdoing them on that front if forced to. According to that line of reasoning rob brought unnecessary complication. Personally not a fan of how rob's handling the response to his response to the response to his devour
Not voting is good while you agree with the tally. Gives a wide net for who could be graboid. Even if GN is off the table, there's still nice roles out there like Psion & FFQ. Let mafia have to risk missing on graboid if they want to go after the no-vote crowd
I do like this post, along with the latest withdrawal of serp's vote. I might agree with it too strongly and need to challenge my own thinking that maybe voting early in the day can stimulate discussion but it sums up my own perception.
Link- I already admitted that in hindsight it is a negative result. Imagine the hard clear I get from hitting hiding scum. Inactive town is a dead town anyway as I see it, I've been around the block before and read many games where inactives suck up day energy. At least this had a chance to get scum or in the worse case scenario we seem to be in now from my shot the discussion is about a living player who is active to post, read, and be read.
(Also playing almost entirely by phone posting is driving me nuts \OT-rant)
You're arguing for two different sides here ('Imagine the hard clear i get from hitting scum'). But you can't have it both ways. Admitting 'a negative result' is not admitting a misplay which Link asked for in order to get on with the game. But you also said that you were within range of either alignment which I consider a concession of faulty play and leaves me content.
Also I forget what it's called but the syndrome of scumreading someone who scumreads me is a strong feeling right now. Like I don't even understand how a town player - if they're even here - can scumread my shot on the way being discussed. Link feels like probably just being Link so far could go either way on you right now. Scum link will be happy to let others pressure me if he doesn't have to do heavy lifting on me and town Link is wise enough to not slot me either way yet.
Annele, serp, torb are the strongest feel of that term (scumread vibes back on a scumread) right now. Their pushes don't feel genuine in meaning or tone to me. But I need to take some time to think through and not just feel it.
Annele- be honest, you have no real knowledge whether I have an ability now or not so just toss out the lines about how you think I might be scum due to some stretch about me being some kind of mafia bait piece angle.
An easy explanation fro town to scumread you: It was a bad play from Oty, no one wanted offensive role usage, you still did it, people expected more from you. I also liked Link's pressure as I was not there to criticise you for it as well as potential others.
But what I want to point out is the different perception of voting. I don't do it light-heartedly and therefore wait until it is a lot closer to the deadline. I expect others feel similarly.
When is the best time to post read-lists? I have at least some ideas about townsfolk, www is definitely on it.
Will try to post more frequently in the future.