Alright guys, this is getting boring. Geo, kdz, calin, shock, Annele, moe, you guys all have less than 5 posts. You're hurting town. I'm going to need all of you to vote on your strongest scumread and give reasoning. And no, saying you don't have any reads yet is not helpful. Look deeper.
Sorry, only had time to read last night, I'll formulate my post and vote now.
All I hope is MasterWalks doesn't get some blocking ability again and spams it for no reason 
I think ian is gaslighting here. He is trying to get me to tunnel on him. People wont believe me if i say to lynch him since they will think its because of this comment. This is sketchy.
Because last time you tunneled hard on someone we spent like 3 or 4 day phases in that thunderdome between you and that person if memory serves me right.
I clearly hinted at my pending action. I can almost guarantee inactivity becomes a magnet for scum to aim at it the inactive is town. If an inactive is scum then they can share by doing nothing. So I essentially vigged the lone inactive. Sadly they were town, but now we can actually work towards solving the game instead of debating a zero poster who was also, I might add, an inactivity modkill a year ago in their prior elements mafia participation. I DID NOT TAKE THE PLANNING OF MY ACTION LIGHTLY. Anyone want to discuss it further I'm game. Voting me ONLY because of that is inane (serp? Care to give your read of me and not just the makes hour?)
Tbh, with you mentioning the inactivity modkill in a game years ago, this seems like more of a grudge kill to me. Not sure how you decided that someone who sadly was inactive 1 day during N0 deserved this extreme action. Maybe he would have been modkilled eventually, but you can't spin this like a good action. If it were almost anyone else doing this, they would have been lynched out of principle, so now this action is possible even if you are mafia.
Just because someone attracts a bunch of attention, that does not equal lynch target. Activity leads to more activity. Punishment of activity is bad. Because of this, even if rob or Link say something outrageous, keep them alive please. They are most likely town if they are active, anyway.
What? I agree that we should not punish activity, but in the same time, why should we look the other way when it comes to rob or Link? Are we really that useless without them that we are ok with losing on the spot if they are mafia? From this, all I get is that if you are mafia, they have a higher chance of being too, and same the other way around.
But I also wanted to imply that I only want to keep these people alive "longer", but not indefinitely. Hopefully, by the endgame, all town with lower activity is cleared out by either making them contribute more or by executing them.
Again, activity good, inactivity bad, but this type of behaviour is frustrating to play with casually. Even when I feel like I'm contributing and being fairly active, it seems like it's not enough for everyone and I'm berated for it. Let's just not execute people on the spot because they don't have a bazillion posts, ok?
Torb - just noticed you stating d1 start you're not voting... Interesting
Most likely he's burrowed and can't mechanically vote.
Sooo, you're saying that you think I might be a wolf because I made a play with a negative town outcome to draw spotlight on myself expecting people here to think I'm too smart too be that dumb as a wolf and thereby townread a wolf--rob for it?
Lol there's no way that is a real thought? From my position, that feels quite fabricated... Keeping my vote where it is. Let's say you could vote - would you be voting me right now
That's exactly how I feel too, like I said, anyone else shots N0 and they get lynched D1. I'm not scumreading you hard for it, but I can't townread you for it.
Voting for Sub for now, but the next person on my list would be rob.
rob77dp (2) - Linkcat, serprex
MasterWalks (1) - DoubleCapitals
TheonlyrealBeef (1) - rob77dp
Submachine (1) - Calindu