A question came to my mind: Why haven't Coffee used Divine Shield on the first night?
I prepared a whole train of thought, collected a bunch of quotes, but then I realized the answer to my question is simple, so all that was for nothing.
Coffee did not use Divine Shield to protect himself, because he has not been online since signups. That is also why he hasn't posted.
I agree with promoting activity and discouraging inactivity, yet I cannot stop feeling conflicted.

I would have waited at least until the next night.
Do I think rob is Mafia? For two reasons, no.
- I performed a Night 1 shot as Town in Mafia 50. I can relate.
- This bold stunt is not something an organized mafia would ever DARE to do in this community. And if rob would be part of it, it would be organized mafia.
I clearly hinted at my pending action.
Just to save some page turning, I compiled what I found about the topic.
Sh**, I almost forgot about deadline >_>
Because of the whole I don't check my role ordeal, I doubt I was a primary healing target, so I want to dump some guidance in case I bite the dust. 
- Just because someone attracts a bunch of attention, that does not equal lynch target. Activity leads to more activity. Punishment of activity is bad. Because of this, even if rob or Link say something outrageous, keep them alive please. They are most likely town if they are active, anyway.
- Put up an RQS about how others behave when they are mafia, and ask them to provide examples. This is a good way to spot some dishonest players, or it brings attention to some stuff that puts pressure on Mafs.
- Focus on how much the others try to solve, and in the end, put a higher Town lean on people with higher solve rate, or people with more posts in general.
Bad parts in yellow.
It is only appropriate that I don't ignore parts that relate to me.
Quote: "
Because of this, even if rob or Link say something outrageous, keep them alive please. They are most likely town if they are active, anyway."
To explain a little, I have memories of bad lynches that were based on outrage, and not on logic. I used invisi text, and they lynched me. *flips town* Link joked about being a cop while not being a cop, and they lynched him. *flips town* Shock tried valid strategies that involved lying to a few people, and they lynched him. *flips town*
This kind of mislynch was #10 on the MU list iirc, this is what I wanted to advise against. But I also wanted to imply that I only want to keep these people alive "longer", but not indefinitely. Hopefully, by the endgame, all town with lower activity is cleared out by either making them contribute more or by executing them.
Quote: "
or people with more posts in general."
I would also link this back to a memory. Mafia 50: One of two people was 100% mafia, but I was unsure which one of them. Rutarete was silent all game, then came out on the last day to say that Ginyu is mafia. Ginyu, on the other hand, has been contributing all game. Thanks to my quick thinking, I realized the chance that Ruta might be Mafia and lying. Ginyu's only redeeming quality was that he's been helping to create ideas and spark conversations all game, and at that point, the person with more posts was, in fact, the good guy. And this seems true for other games as well, but this is the one memory that sticks out to me, because I was heavily involved in it.