Nvm, as annoying as phoneposting is I haveto address this now, as I have visitors the next 2 days and as much as I'd like to focus on solving, I already said most of the inportant thing about cal/ge0 anyway and am very sure that you're town and unfortunately we are in the situation, where absolutely all elementals have to vote for the same person (that also has to be scum), so I will adress all concerns I can asap.
kaempfer (1) - MasterWalks
BeCaUsE VuLtUrE PlAn
I will answer assuming this is not a joke.
Again gn is a far better role than any other (impossible to becone egg without becoming vulture first), to the point that in mafia championships with random role distribution between scum and town, a single use cop(gn) that can use its ability only once on n3 is considered way better for town than the equivalent of your role useable every night.
Now considering i targeted TorB anyway the following night anyway, my plan was bad in hindsight, but I (wrongly) considered the probability TorB lying about his targetability status the following night low and when it turns out he did, I was reminded of ginyus anubis play in mafia 71