From your suspect list I neutral read annele. I think you are chasing the wrong lead here, but the annele trains provide value I think, and I'm not sold on them being town.
My current suspect list is Ian/Ge0|DC/???
I am confident in an ian kill
I am willing to roll the dice on a geo kill
The | Marks my current "Id vote on them" confidence.
I think DC mafia fits well into the narrative I have above, and if they weren't going to die tonight, and geo flipped mafia, I would lynch DC
??? - The tinfoil zone - Shock/cali both created a super soldier in kae, but that alone doesn't buy their innocence. Really, anyone could end up here and I wouldnt be that surprised.
Excluded from the ??? zone are Serp and kae
People I doubt would be in the ??? zone (Though it is a tinfoil zone)
Rob, sub, and MW
Out of game @rob, sorry if I sounded a bit cranky in my response. I haven't eaten today and its affecting my mood, I can see that upon rereading. Sorry about that. I'ma go get some fruit and hopefully be chipper in a moment or two again