I'm slowly getting lost, so I need to put this together again. So, it is currently Day 4.
MW claims Gunsmith.
N0: nobody
N1: kaempfer (no weapon)
N2: nobody
N3: Linkcat (no weapon)
Do kaempfer and Linkcat confirm to have a role without weapon?Vagman claims Officer.
N0: rolecheck MW
N1: confirm MW
N2: rolecheck Calindu
N3: rolecheck InsigW
He says MW is Town. Insig is one more Night away from being confirmed.
Nobody counterclaimed the Officer claim, so vaggy is also confirmed.
Linkcat admitted that he's just telling reads, so his posts are not as relevant in the matter.
Players alive:
1.Linkcat (confirmed)
3.MasterWalks (confirmed)
5.InsignificantWeeaboo (to be confirmed next)
7.kaempfer13 (confirmed)
8.vagman13 (confirmed)
14.worldwideweb3 (town driven)
So this helped to globally narrow down the possible lynch targets to the following people:
- iancudorinmarian
- PlayerOa
- Annele
- Submachine
Out of these people, it's gotta be Annele.
PlayerOa (1) - worldwideweb3
Annele (4) - Linkcat, iancudorinmarian , vagman13, Submachine