I would have expected more from Cal, but his argumentation has ranged from weak to non existant. Almost only agrees with points made by others, rather than making points of his own. Can elaborate if desired.
That's just my general style of play, I prefer being reactive, instead of proactive, and rely much more on game mechanics than reads, because honestly, I'm not good at reading people. It's true that I have been more proactive than usual last game, but have only been proactive because I had a lot of information available due to my role (I know I keep referring to the last game, but it's my only recent one). I'm sorry if I didn't meet your expectations.
Cal is not one I'd expect to post rapidly, but his posting seem kinda, what should I call it, superficial maybe? Here he heavily arguments against raiding which contradicts with my opinion (but save that for another time). Also implies officer has to claim on the spot, where town might as well (and most likely have) have a musician or a drug dealer creating confusion for mafia. As of now, town can win based on reads alone, where the maf duo will need to use abilities to their advantage. Like previously stated - this is more of a compliment than anything, really.
Sorry, but I don't believe you understood my argument, I just looked at the possible scenarios that might happen if the Officer is raiding. The only scenario I argued about Officer claiming on the spot is if they're the only one making noise. In the second scenario, I did say that town might make noise to stop the Officer from being found, but if only one more town does it, then it's a 50/50 for the NK.
I also think next night should be raid night. What do you guys think?
That's a quite strange suggestion, assuming the Officer didn't get blocked, they would be able to Investigate this night, rather than Raid, the Officer raiding this night and getting found out is straight up throwing if the mafia is one of the highly regarded towns.
Mobian getting bussed could explain why he was so upset, look into TorB, he also had that reaction when I pushed dawn into the lead Day 1 along with vag. Iancu I doubt would have bussed dawn Day 1 and it's likely that nobody else did either.
I don't get this, you suspect mafia bussed Mobian, but at the same time, you think I'm mafia, despite not voting for him.
Should we invest in wagonomics and open a second train? At this point I'm kind of convinced that its cal+insig (obv an officer could know better, but would they have gone to weeaboo first?) so I dont particularly care in which order we do it, but in case one of them is wrong wed learn more about it if we actually had multiple trains to look at rather than just someone getting quicklynched.
Yh, im starting to think all mafia except for the person who was actually being lynched defended Mobian. I mean at this point mafia fully sticking together actually goes against expectations, so why not try it? Also there might have been some actual drama with Mobian throwing and his team trying to stick up for him to make up.
The wagon on me happened quite fast, and with little to no questions asked by anyone there, I expect one mafia on that wagon. Look into Oa/Ian once I flip town.
Oh, and above all, I want the town people from that list to make a case against the mafia from that list using their own arguments.
Fine, I'm pretty sure both IW and MW are both town, so I'll make my case against ian/Oa, I believe there is a good chance one of them is mafia, probably Oa, not both of them though.
Most of the things I find strange about them is requesting a Gunsmith check over and over again, which seemed to earn them a townread from many here, despite the fact that it can easily be the fact that a Gunsmith is not even in the game. And even if the Gunsmith is in the game, they could have been blocked by Mobian on N0, further delaying the many players requesting to be cleared. Note that ian is claiming Mechanical Engineer, meaning that he knows for sure he didn't get checked yet.
It's a gamble, but if you consider the fact that mafia could have the tools to stop a Gunsmith, it's not much of a Gamble anymore.
As I said, most of my proactive plays are based on game mechanics, so I advise the Gunsmith to speak up if they can confirm 2 players or they caught someone in a lie.