I want to see posts from link cal weeaboo MW before others start posting and planning
Do you guys not listen. Can we have these 4 post first.
And I know you 4 are active people so don’t delay post today or be lynched rip rip
Calm down, it has been 3 hours since the day phase started when you made this post, people can have other commitments or something better to do, such as Stranger Things 3. Lynching because someone doesn't post right away is just plain stupid and will lead to poor results.
Here are my thoughts:
- Linkcat is probably town, but I wouldn't call him confirmed yet, as him bussing dawn can easily help him cruise to the lategame.
- Lmao at Submachine's encryption.
- Mafia is clearly looking for the Officer, no other reason they would NK Naii otherwise.
Also, i think I know what w3 means; on day1 we had dawn in the lead and the people that changed the dynamic were me, ian and Oa. I'm townreading all of those, but with dawn flipping mafia we could be mafia protecting a fellow. However, as the only one of us who didnt go as far out of their way to get themselves cleared things look kinda grim for me 
I wouldn't put too much thought into people trying to get cleared late by Gunsmith, it might easily just be that mafia is gambling that they wouldn't get checked or that there is no Gunsmith.