First off, there are currently NO confirmed townies or roles, with the exception of moe, who had a sudden onset of death. EVERYONE is going to claim town, because claiming mafia is asking to die. I've read a lot of talk about D2D having a supposedly "inferior role". Again, we have absolutely no idea who might be what. We've only gone through 2 phases in this game, and not much intel has surfaced. Stop assuming shit!
Now, on the topic of inactives and unhelpfuls... we had some people who failed/chose not to vote. This helps NOBODY! There is no stealth role in this version, for the thousandth time! I will be treating anyone who fails to cast a vote as hostile until proven otherwise. The day phase lasts a whole 48 hours, there is plenty of time for you to cast your vote, even if you're not available for end of phase fuckery.