Officer using raid at any time before they claim is very risky in my opinion. It relies on other players making noise in order to hide the officer, and stop at the right time so the officer doesn't stand out as the only one not making noise anymore. There are two strategies I find about using raid:
1. Officer raids right before they want to claim, no other actions that need to be coordinated are needed. No additional risk, low reward.
2. Officer raids N0, while as many players that can make noise do it, but not make noise anymore after. High risk, medium reward.
As you can see, the second strategy needs a high degree of coordination, and even then, it's still risky as we don't know how many players can make noise. Moreover, I'm not sure that knowing the primary role of a player 1 night earlier is that much better. Also, even if the second strategy is executed correctly, the chance of the officer being sniped before they claim is still there.
I suggest officer holds onto raid until they want to claim.