Considering you are mafia, why would you kill moe?
Who are your 3 ideal mafia teammates?
Do you like playing as mafia or town?
- Probably a safety kill, with no knowledge of how many docs are in the game, a lot of the high-profile suspects would be protected. Sub looked pretty scummy, so obviously a bad NK target, Shock could easily detriment his own game, and similar stuff can be said about others
- Probs Shock, because I'm curious to how he would play, w3, because after deadchat from last mafia I can tell that he's more than competent, and Ian, since he's super decent at the game, and I wouldn't mind playing with him at all
- They both have merits, mafia is more stressful than town since you're constantly worried of getting caught, but you have more information, so there is definitely an appeal there